Changeset: a9b8f281b640 for MonetDB
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Add documentation

diffs (truncated from 851 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/documentation/source/clients.rst b/documentation/source/clients.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/source/clients.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+The MonetDB clients
+This chapter discusses the various clients that can connect to a MonetDB 
+The ``.monetdb`` file
+Various options to the above clients can be configured by a file. The clients
+search for this file in the following locations:
+#. The file specified in the ``DOTMONETDBFILE`` environment variable.
+#. The file ``.monetdb`` in the current working directory.
+#. The file ``monetdb`` in the ``XDG_CONFIG_HOME/monetdb/`` directory.
+#. The file ``.monetdb`` in the user's home directory.
+The options that can be specified in this file are the following:
+  ``user``
+    The username used to connect to the server.
+  ``password``
+    The password used to connect to the server.
+  ``database``
+    The database the client will connect to.
+  ``host``
+    The hostname where the server is running.
+  ``port``
+    The port where the server is listening on.
+  ``language``
+    What language this connection will use. Valid values are ``sql`` and 
+  ``save_history``
+    This option allows the command history to persist across different client
+    sessions. Valid options are ``true``, ``on``, ``false`` and ``off``. This
+    option is relevant for interactive clients (only ``mclient`` currently).
+  ``format``
+    The format of the client output. Valid options are ``csv``, ``tab``,
+    ``raw``, ``sql``, ``xml``, ``trash``, ``rowcount``.
+  ``width``
+    The width in characters of each row in the paginated output that the client
+    produces.
diff --git a/documentation/source/ b/documentation/source/
--- a/documentation/source/
+++ b/documentation/source/
@@ -50,3 +50,5 @@ html_theme = 'alabaster'
 # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
 # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
 html_static_path = ['_static']
diff --git a/documentation/source/index.rst b/documentation/source/index.rst
--- a/documentation/source/index.rst
+++ b/documentation/source/index.rst
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ Welcome to MonetDB's documentation!
    :caption: Contents:
+   clients
+   manual_pages
 Indices and tables
diff --git a/documentation/source/man_mclient.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/source/man_mclient.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mclient manual page
+.. include:: manual_pages/mclient.rst
diff --git a/documentation/source/man_mserver5.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/source/man_mserver5.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mserver5 manual page
+.. include:: manual_pages/mserver5.rst
diff --git a/documentation/source/man_msqldump.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/source/man_msqldump.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+msqldump manual page
+.. include:: manual_pages/msqldump.rst
diff --git a/documentation/source/manual_pages.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/source/manual_pages.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Manual pages
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 0
+   man_mclient
+   man_msqldump
+   man_mserver5
diff --git a/documentation/source/manual_pages/mclient.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/source/manual_pages/mclient.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+mclient --- the MonetDB command-line tool
+| **mclient** [ *options* ] [ *file or database* [ *file* ... ] ]
+| **mclient** **--help**
+MonetDB is a database management system that is developed from a
+main-memory perspective with use of a fully decomposed storage model,
+automatic index management, extensibility of data types and search
+accelerators, and an SQL front end.
+*Mclient* is the command-line interface to the MonetDB server.
+If the **--statement=**\ *query* (**-s** *query*) option is given, the
+query is executed. If any files are listed after the options, queries
+are read from the files and executed. The special filename **-** refers
+to standard input. Note that if there is both a **--statement** option
+and filename arguments, the query given with **--statement** is executed
+first. If no **--statement** option is given and no files are specified
+on the command line, *mclient* reads queries from standard input.
+When reading from standard input, if standard input is a terminal or if
+the **--interactive** (**-i**) option is given, *mclient* interprets
+lines starting with **\\** (backslash) specially. See the section
+Before *mclient* starts parsing command line options, it reads a
+*.monetdb* file. If the environment variable **DOTMONETDBFILE** is set,
+it reads the file pointed to by that variable instead. When unset,
+*mclient* searches for a *.monetdb* file in the current working
+directory, and if that doesn't exist, in the current user's home
+directory. This file can contain defaults for the flags **user**,
+**password**, **language**, **database**, **save_history**, **format**,
+and **width**. For example, an entry in a *.monetdb* file that sets the
+default language for *mclient* to mal looks like this: **language=mal**.
+To disable reading the *.monetdb* file, set the variable
+**DOTMONETDBFILE** to the empty string in the environment.
+General Options
+**--help** (**-?**)
+   Print usage information and exit.
+**--version** (**-v**)
+   Print version information and exit.
+**--encoding=**\ *encoding* (**-E** *encoding*)
+   Specify the character encoding of the input. The option applies to
+   both the standard input of *mclient* and to the argument of the
+   **--statement** (**-s**) option but not to the contents of files
+   specified on the command line (except for **-** which refers to
+   standard input) or files specified using the **\\<** command (those
+   must be encoded using UTF-8). The default encoding is taken from the
+   locale.
+**--language=**\ *language* (**-l** *language*)
+   Specify the query language. The following languages are recognized:
+   **mal** and **sql**. A unique prefix suffices. When the
+   **--language** option is omitted, the default of **sql** is assumed.
+**--database=**\ *database* (**-d** *database*)
+   Specify the name or URI of the database to connect to. The **-d** can
+   be omitted if an equally named file does not exist in the current
+   directory. As such, the first non-option argument will be interpreted
+   as database to connect to if the argument does not exist as file.
+   Valid URIs are as returned by \`monetdb discover`, see
+   *monetdb*\ (1), and look like
+   **mapi:monetdb://**\ *hostname*\ **:**\ *port*\ **/**\ *database*.
+**--host=**\ *hostname* (**-h** *hostname*)
+   Specify the name of the host on which the server runs (default:
+   **localhost**). When the argument starts with a forward slash (/),
+   host is assumed to be the directory where the UNIX sockets are stored
+   for platforms where these are supported.
+**--port=**\ *portnr* (**-p** *portnr*)
+   Specify the portnumber of the server (default: **50000**).
+**--interactive** (**-i**)
+   When reading from standard input, interpret lines starting with
+   **\\** (backslash) specially. See the section BACKSLASH COMMANDS
+   below.
+**--timer=**\ *timermode* (**-t** *timermode*)
+   | The *timer* command controls the format of the time reported for
+     queries. The default mode is **none** which turns off timing
+     reporting. The timer mode **clock** reports the client-side
+     wall-clock time ("**clk**") in a human-friendly format. The timer
+     mode **performance** reports client-side wall-clock time
+     ("**clk**") as well as detailed server-side timings, all in
+     milliseconds (ms): the time to parse the SQL query, optimize the
+     logical relational plan and create the initial physical (MAL) plan
+     ("**sql**"); the time to optimize the physical (MAL) plan
+     ("**opt**"); the time to execute the physical (MAL) plan
+     ("**run**"). All timings are reported on stderr.
+   | **Note** that the client-measured wall-clock time is reported per
+     query **only** when options **--interactive** or **--echo** are
+     used, because only then does mclient send individual lines
+     (statements) of the SQL script to the server. Otherwise, when
+     mclient sends the SQL script in large(r) batch(es), only the total
+     wall-clock time per batch is measured and reported. The
+     server-measured detailed performance timings are always measured
+     and reported per query.
+**--user=**\ *user* (**-u** *user*)
+   Specify the user to connect as. If this flag is absent, the client
+   will ask for a user name, unless a default was found in .monetdb
+   file.
+**--format=**\ *format* (**-f** *format*)
+   Specify the output format. The possible values are **sql**,
+   **expanded**, **x**, **csv**, **tab**, **raw**, **xml**, and
+   **trash**. **csv** is comma-separated values, **tab** is
+   tab-separated values, **raw** is no special formatting (data is
+   dumped the way the server sends it to the client), **sql** is a
+   pretty format which is meant for human consumption where columns are
+   clearly shown, **expanded** and **x** are synonyms and are another
+   pretty format meant for human consumption where column values are
+   printed in full and below each other, **xml** is a valid (in the XML
+   sense) document, and **trash** does not render any output, enabling
+   performance measurements free of any output rendering/serialization
+   costs. In addition to plain **csv**, two other forms are possible.
+   **csv=**\ *c* uses *c* as column separator; **csv+**\ *c* uses *c* as
+   column separator and produces a single header line in addition to the
+   data.
+**--echo** (**-e**)
+   Echo the query. Note that using this option slows down processing.
+**--history** (**-H**)
+   Load and save the command line history (default off).
+**--log=**\ *logfile* (**-L** *logfile*)
+   Save client/server interaction in the specified file.
+**--statement=**\ *stmt* (**-s** *stmt*)
+   Execute the specified query. The query is run before any queries from
+   files specified on the command line are run.
+**--timezone** (**-z**)
+   Do not tell the client's timezone to the server.
+**--Xdebug** (**-X**)
+   Trace network interaction between *mclient* and the server.
+**--pager=**\ *cmd* (**-\|** *cmd*)
+   Send query output through the specified *cmd*. One *cmd* is started
+   for each query. Note that the **\|** will have to be quoted or else
+   the shell will interpret it.
+SQL Options
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