Changeset: 46fa5142a45f for MonetDB
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Branch: Dec2023
Log Message:

Updated manual pages.
Use proper code to represent glyphs that groff otherwise might render in
a way that we don't want.

diffs (truncated from 597 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/mclient.1 b/clients/mapiclient/mclient.1
--- a/clients/mapiclient/mclient.1
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/mclient.1
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ or if the
 option is given,
 .I mclient
 interprets lines starting with
-.B \e
+.B \[rs]
 (backslash) specially.
 See the section BACKSLASH COMMANDS below.
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ option but not to the contents of files 
 (except for
 .B \-
 which refers to standard input) or files specified using the
-.B \e<
+.B \[rs]<
 command (those must be encoded using UTF-8).
 The default encoding is taken from the locale.
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ The \fB\-d\fP can be omitted if an equal
 the current directory.
 As such, the first non-option argument will be interpreted as database
 to connect to if the argument does not exist as file.
-Valid URIs are as returned by `monetdb discover`, see
+Valid URIs are as returned by ``monetdb discover'', see
 .IR monetdb (1),
 and look like
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Specify the portnumber of the server (de
 \fB\-\-interactive\fP (\fB\-i\fP)
 When reading from standard input, interpret lines starting with
-.B \e
+.B \[rs]
 (backslash) specially.
 See the section BACKSLASH COMMANDS below.
@@ -175,13 +175,13 @@ See the section BACKSLASH COMMANDS below
 The \fItimer\fP command controls the format of the time reported for queries.
 The default mode is \fBnone\fP which turns off timing reporting.
 The timer mode \fBclock\fP reports the client-side wall-clock time
-("\fBclk\fP") in a human-friendly format.
+(``\fBclk\fP'') in a human-friendly format.
 The timer mode \fBperformance\fP reports client-side wall-clock time
-("\fBclk\fP") as well as detailed server-side timings, all in milliseconds
+(``\fBclk\fP'') as well as detailed server-side timings, all in milliseconds
 (ms): the time to parse the SQL query, optimize the logical relational plan
-and create the initial physical (MAL) plan ("\fBsql\fP"); the time to
-optimize the physical (MAL) plan ("\fBopt\fP"); the time to execute the
-physical (MAL) plan ("\fBrun\fP").
+and create the initial physical (MAL) plan (``\fBsql\fP''); the time to
+optimize the physical (MAL) plan (``\fBopt\fP''); the time to execute the
+physical (MAL) plan (``\fBrun\fP'').
 All timings are reported on stderr.
 \fBNote\fP that the client-measured wall-clock time is reported per query
@@ -296,11 +296,11 @@ SQL Options
 \fB\-\-null=\fP\fInullstr\fP (\fB\-n\fP \fInullstr\fP)
 Set the string to be used as NULL representation when using the
 sql, csv, or tab output formats.
-If not used, NULL values are represented by the string \(dqnull\(dq in
+If not used, NULL values are represented by the string \[dq]null\[dq] in
 the sql output format, and as the empty string in the csv and tab
 output formats.
 Note that an argument is required, so in order to use the empty
-string, use \fB\-n \(dq\(dq\fP (with the space) or \fB\-\-null=\fP.
+string, use \fB\-n \[dq]\[dq]\fP (with the space) or \fB\-\-null=\fP.
 \fB\-\-autocommit\fP (\fB\-a\fP)
 Switch autocommit mode off.
@@ -340,25 +340,25 @@ the dump.
 General Commands
 Show a help message explaining the backslash commands.
 .IR mclient .
-\fB\e<\fP \fIfile\fP
+\fB\[rs]<\fP \fIfile\fP
 Read input from the named
 .IR file .
-\fB\e>\fP \fIfile\fP
+\fB\[rs]>\fP \fIfile\fP
 Write output to the named
 .IR file .
 If no
 .I file
 is specified, write to standard output.
-\fB\e|\fP \fIcommand\fP
+\fB\[rs]|\fP \fIcommand\fP
 Pipe output to the given
 .IR command .
 Each query is piped to a new invocation of the
@@ -367,28 +367,28 @@ If no
 .I command
 is given, revert to writing output to standard output.
 Show the
 .IR readline (3)
-\fB\eL\fP \fIfile\fP
+\fB\[rs]L\fP \fIfile\fP
 Log client/server interaction in the given
 .IR file .
 If no
 .I file
 is specified, stop logging information.
 Trace what
 .I mclient
 is doing.
 This is mostly for debugging purposes.
 Echo the query in SQL formatting mode.
-\fB\ef\fP \fIformat\fP
+\fB\[rs]f\fP \fIformat\fP
 Use the specified
 .I format
 mode to format the output.
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ Possible modes the same as for the
 .RB ( \-f )
-\fB\ew\fP \fIwidth\fP
+\fB\[rs]w\fP \fIwidth\fP
 Set the maximum page width for rendering in the
 .B sql
 formatting mode.
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ is greater than
 .BR 0 ,
 use the given width.
-\fB\er\fP \fIrows\fP
+\fB\[rs]r\fP \fIrows\fP
 Use an internal pager using
 .I rows
 per page.
@@ -432,19 +432,19 @@ use the height of the terminal.
 SQL Commands
 Dump the complete database.
 This is equivalent to using the program
 .IR msqldump (1).
-\fB\eD\fP \fItable\fP
+\fB\[rs]D\fP \fItable\fP
 Dump the given
 .IR table .
-Alias for \edvt.
+Alias for \[rs]dvt.
 List database objects of the given type.
 Multiple type specifiers can be used at the same time.
 The specifiers \fIS\fP, \fIt\fP, \fIv\fP, \fIs\fP, \fIf\fP and \fIn\fP
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ respectively.
 Note that \fIS\fP simply switches on viewing system catalog objects,
 which is orthogonal to the other specifiers.
-\fB\ed[Stvsfn]+\fP \fIobject\fP
+\fB\[rs]d[Stvsfn]+\fP \fIobject\fP
 Describe the given
 .I object
 in the database using SQL statements that reconstruct the object.
@@ -469,21 +469,21 @@ and
 that represent zero or more, and exactly one character respectively.
 An object name is converted to lowercase, unless the object name is
 quoted by double quotes
-.RB ( \(dq ).
+.RB ( \[dq] ).
 Examples of this, are e.g.
 .IR *.mytable ,
 .IR tabletype* ,
-.IR \(dqmyschema.FOO\(dq .
+.IR \[dq]myschema.FOO\[dq] .
 Note that wildcard characters do not work in quoted objects.
 Quoting follows SQL quoting rules.
 Arbitrary parts can be quoted, and two quotes following each other in
 a quoted string represent the quote itself.
 Enable auto commit mode.
 Disable auto commit mode.
 Efficiently import data from a CSV (comma-separated values) file into
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ is the name of the table,
 .I $db
 is the name of the database.
-mclient \-d $db \-s \(dqCOPY INTO $table FROM '$file' USING DELIMITERS 
+mclient \-d $db \-s \[dq]COPY INTO $table FROM \[aq]$file\[aq] USING 
DELIMITERS \[aq],\[aq],E\[aq]\[rs]\[rs]n\[aq],\[aq]\[rs]\[dq]\[aq]\[dq]
 Efficiently import data from a CSV file into a table when the file is
 to be read by
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ is the name of the table,
 .I $db
 is the name of the database.
-mclient \-d $db \-s \(dqCOPY INTO $table FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS 
',',E'\e\en','\e\(dq'\(dq \- < $file
+mclient \-d $db \-s \[dq]COPY INTO $table FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS 
\[aq],\[aq],E\[aq]\[rs]\[rs]n\[aq],\[aq]\[rs]\[dq]\[aq]\[dq] \- < $file
 Note that in this latter case, if a count of records is supplied, it
 should be at least as large as the number of records actually present
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ as SQL queries.
 Another, easier method to have the client read the file content is as
-mclient \-d $db \-s \(dqCOPY INTO $table FROM '$file' ON CLIENT USING 
DELIMITERS ',',E'\e\en',\e\(dq'\(dq
+mclient \-d $db \-s \[dq]COPY INTO $table FROM \[aq]$file\[aq] ON CLIENT USING 
DELIMITERS \[aq],\[aq],E\[aq]\[rs]\[rs]n\[aq],\[rs]\[dq]\[aq]\[dq]
 In this case the value of
 .I $file
diff --git a/documentation/source/manual_pages/mclient.rst 
--- a/documentation/source/manual_pages/mclient.rst
+++ b/documentation/source/manual_pages/mclient.rst
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ General Options
    be omitted if an equally named file does not exist in the current
    directory. As such, the first non-option argument will be interpreted
    as database to connect to if the argument does not exist as file.
-   Valid URIs are as returned by \`monetdb discover`, see
+   Valid URIs are as returned by \``monetdb discover'', see
    *monetdb*\ (1), and look like
    **mapi:monetdb://**\ *hostname*\ **:**\ *port*\ **/**\ *database*.
@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ General Options
    | The *timer* command controls the format of the time reported for
      queries. The default mode is **none** which turns off timing
      reporting. The timer mode **clock** reports the client-side
-     wall-clock time ("**clk**") in a human-friendly format. The timer
-     mode **performance** reports client-side wall-clock time
-     ("**clk**") as well as detailed server-side timings, all in
+     wall-clock time (\`\`\ **clk**'') in a human-friendly format. The
+     timer mode **performance** reports client-side wall-clock time
+     (\`\`\ **clk**'') as well as detailed server-side timings, all in
      milliseconds (ms): the time to parse the SQL query, optimize the
      logical relational plan and create the initial physical (MAL) plan
-     ("**sql**"); the time to optimize the physical (MAL) plan
-     ("**opt**"); the time to execute the physical (MAL) plan
-     ("**run**"). All timings are reported on stderr.
+     (\`\`\ **sql**''); the time to optimize the physical (MAL) plan
+     (\`\`\ **opt**''); the time to execute the physical (MAL) plan
+     (\`\`\ **run**''). All timings are reported on stderr.
    | **Note** that the client-measured wall-clock time is reported per
      query **only** when options **--interactive** or **--echo** are
      used, because only then does *mclient* send individual lines
diff --git a/documentation/source/manual_pages/monetdb.rst 
--- a/documentation/source/manual_pages/monetdb.rst
+++ b/documentation/source/manual_pages/monetdb.rst
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ successful.
    section *EXPRESSIONS*. Next to database URIs the hostnames and ports
    for monetdbds that allow to be controlled remotely can be found in
    the discover list masked with an asterisk. These entries can easily
-   be filtered out using an expression (e.g. "mapi:monetdb:*") if
+   be filtered out using an expression (e.g. \``mapi:monetdb:\*'') if
    desired. The control entries come in handy when one wants to get an
    overview of available monetdbds in e.g. a local cluster. Note that
    for *monetdbd* to announce its control port, the *mero_controlport*
@@ -339,9 +339,9 @@ For various options, typically database 
 These expressions are limited shell-globbing like, where the \* in any
 position is expanded to an arbitrary string. The \* can occur multiple
 times in the expression, allowing for more advanced matches. Note that
-the empty string also matches the \*, hence "de*mo" can return "demo" as
-match. To match the literal '*' character, one has to escape it using a
-backslash, e.g. "\*".
+the empty string also matches the \*, hence \``de*mo'' can return
+\``demo'' as match. To match the literal \``\*'' character, one has to
+escape it using a backslash, e.g. \``\\\*''.
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