Changeset: 3a023e63648c for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Aug2024
Log Message:

Approve emptydb check outputs

diffs (264 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out
@@ -446,14 +446,14 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
boolean,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar # type
 % 11,  18,     34,     6812,   5,      5,      8,      8,      0 # length
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "character_sets",       "create 
view information_schema.character_sets as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_schema, 
cast('UTF-8' as varchar(16)) as character_set_name, cast('ISO/IEC 10646:2021' 
as varchar(20)) as character_repertoire, cast('UTF-8' as varchar(16)) as 
form_of_use, cast(null as varchar(1)) as default_collate_catalog, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as default_collate_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
default_collate_name;",  "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL   
-[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.check_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1024)) as constraint_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1024)) as constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1024)) as 
check_clause where 1=0;",  "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL 
+[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.check_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, k.\"name\" as 
constraint_name, sys.check_constraint(s.\"name\", k.\"name\") as check_clause, 
t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, t.\"name\" as table_name, 
k.\"id\" as key_id from (select sk.\"id\", sk.\"table_id\", sk.\"name\" from 
sys.\"keys\" sk where sk.\"type\" = 4 union all select tk.\"id\", 
tk.\"table_id\", tk.\"name\" from tmp.\"keys\" tk where tk.\"type\" = 4) k 
inner join (select st.\"id\", st.\"schema_id\", st.\"name\" from 
sys.\"_tables\" st union all select tt.\"id\", tt.\"schema_id\", tt.\"name\" 
from tmp.\"_tables\" tt) t on k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner join 
sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\", k.\"name\";",       "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "columns",      "create view 
information_schema.columns as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, 
s.\"name\" as table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, c.\"name\" as 
column_name, cast(1 + c.\"number\" as int) as ordinal_position, c.\"default\" 
as column_default, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"null\", 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) 
as is_nullable, cast(sys.\"sql_datatype\"(c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", 
c.\"type_scale\", true, true) as varchar(1024)) as data_type, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') 
and c.\"type_digits\" > 0, c.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as 
character_maximum_length, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and c.\"type_digits\" > 0, 4 * 
cast(c.\"type_digits\" as bigint), null) as bigint) as character_octet_length, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
 type_digits\", null) as int) as numeric_precision, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
2, sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in ('decimal','numeric'), 10, null)) as int) as 
numeric_precision_radix, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
 c.\"type_scale\", null) as int) as numeric_scale, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type_scale\" > 0, c.\"type_scale\" -1, 0), null) as int) as 
datetime_precision, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", c.\"type_scale\", true, 
true), null) as varchar(40)) as interval_type, cast(case c.\"type\" when 
'day_interval' then 0 when 'month_interval' then 0 when 'sec_interval' then 
(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type_digits\" in (7, 10, 12, 13), 
 sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type_scale\" > 0, c.\"type_scale\", 3), 0)) else null end 
as int) as interval_precision, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_schema, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml'), 
'UTF-8', null) as varchar(16)) as character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as collation_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as collation_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as domain_catalog, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as domain_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
domain_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as scope_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_schema, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as scope_name, cast(null as int) as maximum_cardinality, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as dtd_identifier, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_self_referencing, cast(sys.i
 fthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null or c.\"null\", 'NO', 'YES') as varchar(3)) as 
is_identity, seq.\"name\" as identity_generation, seq.\"start\" as 
identity_start, seq.\"increment\" as identity_increment, seq.\"maxvalue\" as 
identity_maximum, seq.\"minvalue\" as identity_minimum, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null, null, sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"cycle\", 
'YES', 'NO')) as varchar(3)) as identity_cycle, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null, 'NO', 'YES') as varchar(3)) as 
is_generated, cast(sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null, null, c.\"default\") as 
varchar(1024)) as generation_expression, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_system_time_period_start, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_system_time_period_end, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
system_time_period_timestamp_generation, cast(sys.ifthenelse(t.\"type\" in 
(0,3,7,20,30), 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as is_updatable, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as 
declared_numeric_precision, cast(null as int) as declare
 d_numeric_scale, t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, c.\"table_id\" as table_id, 
c.\"id\" as column_id, seq.\"id\" as sequence_id, t.\"system\" as is_system, 
cm.\"remark\" as comments from sys.\"columns\" c inner join sys.\"tables\" t on 
c.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = 
s.\"id\" left outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on c.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" left outer 
join sys.\"sequences\" seq on ((seq.\"name\"||'\"') = substring(c.\"default\", 
3 + sys.\"locate\"('\".\"seq_',c.\"default\",14))) order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\", c.\"number\";", "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "parameters",   "create view 
information_schema.parameters as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
specific_catalog, s.\"name\" as specific_schema, 
cast(f.\"name\"||'('||f.\"id\"||')' as varchar(270)) as specific_name, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse((a.\"inout\" = 0 or f.\"type\" = 2), 1 + a.\"number\", 
sys.ifthenelse(f.\"type\" = 1, a.\"number\", (1 + a.\"number\" - 
f.count_out_cols))) as int) as ordinal_position, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"inout\" = 0, 'OUT', sys.ifthenelse(a.\"inout\" = 1, 
'IN', 'INOUT')) as varchar(5)) as parameter_mode, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"inout\" = 0, 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as is_result, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as as_locator, a.\"name\" as parameter_name, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as from_sql_specific_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
from_sql_specific_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as from_sql_specific_name, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as to_sql_specific_schema, cast(null as 
 varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_name, cast(sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", 
a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, true) as varchar(1024)) as 
data_type, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 
a.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as character_maximum_length, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') 
and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 4 * cast(a.\"type_digits\" as bigint), null) as 
bigint) as character_octet_length, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_schema, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml'), 
'UTF-8', null) as varchar(16)) as character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as collation_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as collation_name, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 l','numeric','oid'), a.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as numeric_precision, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
2, sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('decimal','numeric'), 10, null)) as int) as 
numeric_precision_radix, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 a.\"type_scale\", null) as int) as numeric_scale, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_scale\" > 0, a.\"type_scale\" -1, 0), null) as int) as 
datetime_precision, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, 
true), null) as varchar(40)) as interval_type, cast(case a.\"type\" when 
'day_interval' then 0 when 'month_interval' then 0 when 'sec_interval' then 
 ts\" in (7, 10, 12, 13), sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_scale\" > 0, 
a.\"type_scale\", 3), 0)) else null end as int) as interval_precision, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
scope_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_schema, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as scope_name, cast(null as int) as maximum_cardinality, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as dtd_identifier, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as declared_numeric_precision, cast(null 
as int) as declared_numeric_scale, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
parameter_default, f.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, f.\"id\" as function_id, 
a.\"id\" as arg_id, f.\"name\" as function_name, f.\"type\" as function_type, 
f.\"system\" as is_system from sys.\"args\" a inner join (select fun.*, (select 
count(*) from sys.args a0 where a0.inout = 0 and a0.func_id = as 
count_out_cols from sys.\"functions\" fun where fun.\"type\
 " in (1, 2, 5, 7)) f on f.\"id\" = a.\"func_id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s 
on s.\"id\" = f.\"schema_id\" order by s.\"name\", f.\"name\", f.\"id\", 
a.\"inout\" desc, a.\"number\";",       "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       
"WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "referential_constraints",      
"create view information_schema.referential_constraints as select cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, fk.\"name\" 
as constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as unique_constraint_catalog, 
uks.\"name\" as unique_constraint_schema, uk.\"name\" as 
unique_constraint_name, cast('FULL' as varchar(7)) as match_option, 
fk.\"update_action\" as update_rule, fk.\"delete_action\" as delete_rule, 
t.\"schema_id\" as fk_schema_id, t.\"id\" as fk_table_id, t.\"name\" as 
fk_table_name, fk.\"id\" as fk_key_id, ukt.\"schema_id\" as uc_schema_id, 
uk.\"table_id\" as uc_table_id, ukt.\"name\" as uc_table_name, uk.\"id\" as 
uc_key_id from sys.\"fkeys\" fk inner join sys.\"tables\" t on t.\"id\" = 
fk.\"table_id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on s.\"id\" = t.\"schema_id\" left 
outer join sys.\"keys\" uk on uk.\"id\" = fk.\"rkey\" left outer join 
sys.\"tables\" ukt on ukt.\"id\" = uk.\"table_id\" l
 eft outer join sys.\"schemas\" uks on uks.\"id\" = ukt.\"schema_id\" order by 
s.\"name\", t.\"name\", fk.\"name\";",   "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       
"WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "routines",     "create view 
information_schema.routines as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
specific_catalog, s.\"name\" as specific_schema, 
cast(f.\"name\"||'('||f.\"id\"||')' as varchar(270)) as specific_name, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as routine_catalog, s.\"name\" as routine_schema, 
f.\"name\" as routine_name, ft.\"function_type_keyword\" as routine_type, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as module_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
module_schema, cast(f.\"mod\" as varchar(128)) as module_name, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as udt_name, cast(case f.\"type\" when 1 then 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, 
true) when 2 then null when 5 then 'TABLE' when 7 then 'TABLE' else null end as 
varchar(1024)) as data_type, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 
a.\"type_digits\", n
 ull) as int) as character_maximum_length, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 4 * 
cast(a.\"type_digits\" as bigint), null) as bigint) as character_octet_length, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_schema, 'UTF-8' as character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as collation_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as collation_name, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 a.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as numeric_precision, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
2, sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('decimal','numeric'), 10, null)) as int) as 
numeric_precision_radix, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 ','double','decimal','numeric','oid'), a.\"type_scale\", null) as int) as 
numeric_scale, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('date','timestamp','timestamptz','time','timetz'), a.\"type_scale\" -1, null) 
as int) as datetime_precision, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, 
true), null) as varchar(40)) as interval_type, cast(case a.\"type\" when 
'day_interval' then 0 when 'month_interval' then 0 when 'sec_interval' then 
(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_digits\" in (7, 10, 12, 13), 
sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_scale\" > 0, a.\"type_scale\", 3), 0)) else null end as 
int) as interval_precision, cast(null as varchar(1)) as type_udt_catalog, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as type_udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
type_udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_catalog, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as scope_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_name, cast(null 
as int) as maximum_cardi
 nality, cast(null as int) as dtd_identifier, 
cast(sys.\"ifthenelse\"(sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\") > 0, 
sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\"), 
sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\")))-1), sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 
sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\"))), null) as varchar(8196)) as routine_body, 
f.\"func\" as routine_definition, 
cast(sys.\"ifthenelse\"(sys.\"locate\"('external name',f.\"func\") > 0, 
sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 14 + sys.\"locate\"('external name',f.\"func\"), 
sys.\"length\"(sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 14 + sys.\"locate\"('external 
name',f.\"func\")))-1), sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 14 + 
sys.\"locate\"('external name',f.\"func\"))), null) as varchar(1024)) as 
external_name, fl.\"language_keyword\" as external_language, 'GENERAL' as 
parameter_style, 'YES' as is_deterministic, cast(sys.if
 thenelse(f.\"side_effect\", 'MODIFIES', 'READ') as varchar(10)) as 
sql_data_access, cast(case f.\"type\" when 2 then null else 'NO' end as 
varchar(3)) as is_null_call, cast(null as varchar(1)) as sql_path, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as schema_level_routine, cast(null as int) as 
max_dynamic_result_sets, cast(null as varchar(1)) as is_user_defined_cast, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as is_implicitly_invocable, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as security_type, cast(null as varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_catalog, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
to_sql_specific_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as as_locator, cast(null as 
timestamp) as created, cast(null as timestamp) as last_altered, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as new_savepoint_level, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
is_udt_dependent, cast(null as varchar(1)) as result_cast_from_data_type, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as result_cast_as_locator, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_char_max_length, cast(null as int) as res
 ult_cast_char_octet_length, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_char_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_char_set_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_collation_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_collation_name, cast(null as int) as result_cast_numeric_precision, 
cast(null as int) as result_cast_numeric_radix, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_numeric_scale, cast(null as int) as result_cast_datetime_precision, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as result_cast_interval_type, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_interval_precision, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_type_udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_type_udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_type_udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_scope_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_scope_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as resul
 t_cast_scope_name, cast(null as int) as result_cast_max_cardinality, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as result_cast_dtd_identifier, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as declared_numeric_precision, cast(null 
as int) as declared_numeric_scale, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_from_declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_declared_numeric_precision, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_declared_numeric_scale, f.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, f.\"id\" as 
function_id, f.\"type\" as function_type, f.\"language\" as function_language, 
f.\"system\" as is_system, cm.\"remark\" as comments from sys.\"functions\" f 
inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on s.\"id\" = f.\"schema_id\" inner join 
sys.\"function_types\" ft on ft.\"function_type_id\" = f.\"type\" inner join 
sys.\"function_languages\" fl on fl.\"language_id\" = f.\"language\" left outer 
join sys.\"args\" a on a.\"func_id\" = f.\"id\" and a.\"inout\" = 0 and 
a.\"number\" = 0 left outer join sys.\"comments\"
  cm on cm.\"id\" = f.\"id\" where f.\"type\" in (1, 2, 5, 7) order by 
s.\"name\", f.\"name\";",        "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",    
 NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "schemata",     "create view 
information_schema.schemata as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as catalog_name, 
s.\"name\" as schema_name, a.\"name\" as schema_owner, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as default_character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
default_character_set_schema, cast('UTF-8' as varchar(16)) as 
default_character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as sql_path, s.\"id\" as 
schema_id, s.\"system\" as is_system, cm.\"remark\" as comments from 
sys.\"schemas\" s inner join sys.\"auths\" a on s.\"owner\" = a.\"id\" left 
outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on s.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" order by s.\"name\";",   
"VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "sequences",    "create view 
information_schema.sequences as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
sequence_catalog, s.\"name\" as sequence_schema, sq.\"name\" as sequence_name, 
cast('BIGINT' as varchar(16)) as data_type, cast(64 as smallint) as 
numeric_precision, cast(2 as smallint) as numeric_precision_radix, cast(0 as 
smallint) as numeric_scale, sq.\"start\" as start_value, sq.\"minvalue\" as 
minimum_value, sq.\"maxvalue\" as maximum_value, sq.\"increment\" as increment, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(sq.\"cycle\", 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as cycle_option, 
cast(null as varchar(16)) as declared_data_type, cast(null as smallint) as 
declared_numeric_precision, cast(null as smallint) as declared_numeric_scale, 
sq.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, sq.\"id\" as sequence_id, 
get_value_for(s.\"name\", sq.\"name\") as current_value, sq.\"cacheinc\" as 
cacheinc, cm.\"remark\" as comments from sys.\"sequences\" sq inner join 
sys.\"schemas\" s on sq.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\
 " left outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on sq.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" order by 
s.\"name\", sq.\"name\";",     "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
-[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.table_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, k.\"name\" as 
constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, s.\"name\" as 
table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, cast(case k.\"type\" when 0 then 
'PRIMARY KEY' when 1 then 'UNIQUE' when 2 then 'FOREIGN KEY' else null end as 
varchar(16)) as constraint_type, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_deferrable, 
cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as initially_deferred, cast('YES' as varchar(3)) as 
enforced, t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, k.\"id\" as 
key_id, k.\"type\" as key_type, t.\"system\" as is_system from (select 
sk.\"id\", sk.\"table_id\", sk.\"name\", sk.\"type\" from sys.\"keys\" sk union 
all select tk.\"id\", tk.\"table_id\", tk.\"name\", tk.\"type\" from 
tmp.\"keys\" tk) k inner join (select st.\"id\", st.\"schema_id\", st.\"name\", 
st.\"system\" from sys.\"_tabl
 es\" st union all select tt.\"id\", tt.\"schema_id\", tt.\"name\", 
tt.\"system\" from tmp.\"_tables\" tt) t on k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner 
join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\", k.\"name\";",     "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.table_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, k.\"name\" as 
constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, s.\"name\" as 
table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, cast(case k.\"type\" when 0 then 
'PRIMARY KEY' when 1 then 'UNIQUE' when 2 then 'FOREIGN KEY' when 3 then 
'UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT' when 4 then 'CHECK' else null end as varchar(26)) 
as constraint_type, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_deferrable, cast('NO' as 
varchar(3)) as initially_deferred, cast('YES' as varchar(3)) as enforced, 
t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, k.\"id\" as key_id, 
k.\"type\" as key_type, t.\"system\" as is_system from (select sk.\"id\", 
sk.\"table_id\", sk.\"name\", sk.\"type\" from sys.\"keys\" sk union all select 
tk.\"id\", tk.\"table_id\", tk.\"name\", tk.\"type\" from tmp.\"keys\" tk) k 
inner join (select st.\"id\", s
 t.\"schema_id\", st.\"name\", st.\"system\" from sys.\"_tables\" st union all 
select tt.\"id\", tt.\"schema_id\", tt.\"name\", tt.\"system\" from 
tmp.\"_tables\" tt) t on k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s 
on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" order by s.\"name\", t.\"name\", k.\"name\";", 
"VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "tables",       "create view 
information_schema.tables as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, 
s.\"name\" as table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, tt.\"table_type_name\" as 
table_type, cast(null as varchar(1)) as self_referencing_column_name, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as reference_generation, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
user_defined_type_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
user_defined_type_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as user_defined_type_name, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse((t.\"type\" in (0, 3, 7, 20, 30) and t.\"access\" in (0, 
2)), 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as is_insertable_into, cast('NO' as 
varchar(3)) as is_typed, cast((case t.\"commit_action\" when 1 then 'DELETE' 
when 2 then 'PRESERVE' when 3 then 'DROP' else null end) as varchar(10)) as 
commit_action, t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, t.\"type\" 
as table_type_id, st.\"count\" as row_count, t.\"system\" as is_system, 
sys.ifthenelse(t.\"type\" in (1, 11), true, fa
 lse) as is_view, t.\"query\" as query_def, cm.\"remark\" as comments from 
sys.\"tables\" t inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" 
inner join sys.\"table_types\" tt on t.\"type\" = tt.\"table_type_id\" left 
outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on t.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" left outer join (select 
distinct \"schema\", \"table\", \"count\" from sys.\"statistics\"()) st on 
(s.\"name\" = st.\"schema\" and t.\"name\" = st.\"table\") order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\";",      "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "views",        "create view 
information_schema.views as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, 
s.\"name\" as table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, t.\"query\" as 
view_definition, cast('NONE' as varchar(10)) as check_option, cast('NO' as 
varchar(3)) as is_updatable, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as insertable_into, 
cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_trigger_updatable, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_trigger_deletable, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_trigger_insertable_into, 
t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(t.\"system\", t.\"type\" + 10 , t.\"type\") as smallint) as 
table_type_id, t.\"system\" as is_system, cm.\"remark\" as comments from 
sys.\"_tables\" t inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" 
left outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on t.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" where t.\"type\" = 
1 order by s.\"name\", t.\"name\";",  "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       
"WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "logging",      "compinfo",     "create view 
logging.compinfo as select * from logging.compinfo();",    "VIEW", true,   
"COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
@@ -603,7 +603,11 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"constraint_catalog",   "varchar",      1,      0,      NULL,   true,   0,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"constraint_schema",    "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   1,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"constraint_name",      "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   2,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
-[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"check_clause", "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   3,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"check_clause", "varchar",      0,      0,      NULL,   true,   3,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"schema_id",    "int",  31,     0,      NULL,   true,   4,      NULL,   NULL    
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"table_id",     "int",  31,     0,      NULL,   true,   5,      NULL,   NULL    
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"table_name",   "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   6,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"key_id",       "int",  31,     0,      NULL,   true,   7,      NULL,   NULL    
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "columns",      
"table_catalog",        "varchar",      1,      0,      NULL,   true,   0,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "columns",      "table_schema", 
"varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   1,      NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "columns",      "table_name",   
"varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   2,      NULL,   NULL    ]
@@ -854,7 +858,7 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"table_catalog",        "varchar",      1,      0,      NULL,   true,   3,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"table_schema", "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   4,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"table_name",   "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   5,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
-[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"constraint_type",      "varchar",      16,     0,      NULL,   true,   6,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"constraint_type",      "varchar",      26,     0,      NULL,   true,   6,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"is_deferrable",        "varchar",      3,      0,      NULL,   true,   7,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"initially_deferred",   "varchar",      3,      0,      NULL,   true,   8,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"enforced",     "varchar",      3,      0,      NULL,   true,   9,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
@@ -3078,6 +3082,7 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % %1,  name,   name,   name,   name,   dependency_type_name # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar # type
 % 21,  7,      37,     18,     26,     4 # length
+[ "function used by view",     "sys",  "check_constraint",     
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
 [ "function used by view",     "sys",  "sql_datatype", "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "function used by view",     "sys",  "sql_datatype", "information_schema",   
"parameters",   "VIEW"  ]
 [ "function used by view",     "sys",  "endswith",     "information_schema",   
"routines",     "VIEW"  ]
@@ -3166,6 +3171,11 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % %1,  name,   name,   name,   name,   dependency_type_name # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar # type
 % 18,  3,      27,     18,     34,     4 # length
+[ "table used by view",        "sys",  "_tables",      "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "sys",  "keys", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "sys",  "schemas",      "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "tmp",  "_tables",      "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "tmp",  "keys", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
 [ "table used by view",        "sys",  "columns",      "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "table used by view",        "sys",  "comments",     "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "table used by view",        "sys",  "schemas",      "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
@@ -3429,6 +3439,25 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % %1,  name,   name,   name,   name,   name,   dependency_type_name # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar,        varchar # type
 % 19,  3,      27,     21,     18,     34,     4 # length
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "_tables",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "_tables",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "_tables",      "schema_id",    
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "id",   "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "name", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "table_id",     
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "type", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "authorization",        
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "owner",        
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "system",       
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "_tables",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "_tables",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "_tables",      "schema_id",    
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "id",   "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "name", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "table_id",     
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "type", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
 [ "column used by view",       "sys",  "columns",      "default",      
"information_schema",   "columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "column used by view",       "sys",  "columns",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "column used by view",       "sys",  "columns",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "columns",      "VIEW"  ]
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out.32bit 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out.32bit
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out.32bit
@@ -446,14 +446,14 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
boolean,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar # type
 % 11,  18,     34,     6812,   5,      5,      8,      8,      0 # length
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "character_sets",       "create 
view information_schema.character_sets as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_schema, 
cast('UTF-8' as varchar(16)) as character_set_name, cast('ISO/IEC 10646:2021' 
as varchar(20)) as character_repertoire, cast('UTF-8' as varchar(16)) as 
form_of_use, cast(null as varchar(1)) as default_collate_catalog, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as default_collate_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
default_collate_name;",  "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL   
-[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.check_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1024)) as constraint_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1024)) as constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1024)) as 
check_clause where 1=0;",  "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL 
+[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.check_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, k.\"name\" as 
constraint_name, sys.check_constraint(s.\"name\", k.\"name\") as check_clause, 
t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, t.\"name\" as table_name, 
k.\"id\" as key_id from (select sk.\"id\", sk.\"table_id\", sk.\"name\" from 
sys.\"keys\" sk where sk.\"type\" = 4 union all select tk.\"id\", 
tk.\"table_id\", tk.\"name\" from tmp.\"keys\" tk where tk.\"type\" = 4) k 
inner join (select st.\"id\", st.\"schema_id\", st.\"name\" from 
sys.\"_tables\" st union all select tt.\"id\", tt.\"schema_id\", tt.\"name\" 
from tmp.\"_tables\" tt) t on k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner join 
sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\", k.\"name\";",       "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "columns",      "create view 
information_schema.columns as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, 
s.\"name\" as table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, c.\"name\" as 
column_name, cast(1 + c.\"number\" as int) as ordinal_position, c.\"default\" 
as column_default, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"null\", 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) 
as is_nullable, cast(sys.\"sql_datatype\"(c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", 
c.\"type_scale\", true, true) as varchar(1024)) as data_type, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') 
and c.\"type_digits\" > 0, c.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as 
character_maximum_length, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and c.\"type_digits\" > 0, 4 * 
cast(c.\"type_digits\" as bigint), null) as bigint) as character_octet_length, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
 type_digits\", null) as int) as numeric_precision, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
2, sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in ('decimal','numeric'), 10, null)) as int) as 
numeric_precision_radix, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
 c.\"type_scale\", null) as int) as numeric_scale, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type_scale\" > 0, c.\"type_scale\" -1, 0), null) as int) as 
datetime_precision, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", c.\"type_scale\", true, 
true), null) as varchar(40)) as interval_type, cast(case c.\"type\" when 
'day_interval' then 0 when 'month_interval' then 0 when 'sec_interval' then 
(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type_digits\" in (7, 10, 12, 13), 
 sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type_scale\" > 0, c.\"type_scale\", 3), 0)) else null end 
as int) as interval_precision, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_schema, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml'), 
'UTF-8', null) as varchar(16)) as character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as collation_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as collation_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as domain_catalog, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as domain_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
domain_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as scope_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_schema, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as scope_name, cast(null as int) as maximum_cardinality, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as dtd_identifier, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_self_referencing, cast(sys.i
 fthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null or c.\"null\", 'NO', 'YES') as varchar(3)) as 
is_identity, seq.\"name\" as identity_generation, seq.\"start\" as 
identity_start, seq.\"increment\" as identity_increment, seq.\"maxvalue\" as 
identity_maximum, seq.\"minvalue\" as identity_minimum, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null, null, sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"cycle\", 
'YES', 'NO')) as varchar(3)) as identity_cycle, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null, 'NO', 'YES') as varchar(3)) as 
is_generated, cast(sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null, null, c.\"default\") as 
varchar(1024)) as generation_expression, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_system_time_period_start, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_system_time_period_end, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
system_time_period_timestamp_generation, cast(sys.ifthenelse(t.\"type\" in 
(0,3,7,20,30), 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as is_updatable, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as 
declared_numeric_precision, cast(null as int) as declare
 d_numeric_scale, t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, c.\"table_id\" as table_id, 
c.\"id\" as column_id, seq.\"id\" as sequence_id, t.\"system\" as is_system, 
cm.\"remark\" as comments from sys.\"columns\" c inner join sys.\"tables\" t on 
c.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = 
s.\"id\" left outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on c.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" left outer 
join sys.\"sequences\" seq on ((seq.\"name\"||'\"') = substring(c.\"default\", 
3 + sys.\"locate\"('\".\"seq_',c.\"default\",14))) order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\", c.\"number\";", "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "parameters",   "create view 
information_schema.parameters as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
specific_catalog, s.\"name\" as specific_schema, 
cast(f.\"name\"||'('||f.\"id\"||')' as varchar(270)) as specific_name, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse((a.\"inout\" = 0 or f.\"type\" = 2), 1 + a.\"number\", 
sys.ifthenelse(f.\"type\" = 1, a.\"number\", (1 + a.\"number\" - 
f.count_out_cols))) as int) as ordinal_position, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"inout\" = 0, 'OUT', sys.ifthenelse(a.\"inout\" = 1, 
'IN', 'INOUT')) as varchar(5)) as parameter_mode, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"inout\" = 0, 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as is_result, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as as_locator, a.\"name\" as parameter_name, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as from_sql_specific_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
from_sql_specific_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as from_sql_specific_name, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as to_sql_specific_schema, cast(null as 
 varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_name, cast(sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", 
a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, true) as varchar(1024)) as 
data_type, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 
a.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as character_maximum_length, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') 
and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 4 * cast(a.\"type_digits\" as bigint), null) as 
bigint) as character_octet_length, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_schema, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml'), 
'UTF-8', null) as varchar(16)) as character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as collation_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as collation_name, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 l','numeric','oid'), a.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as numeric_precision, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
2, sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('decimal','numeric'), 10, null)) as int) as 
numeric_precision_radix, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 a.\"type_scale\", null) as int) as numeric_scale, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_scale\" > 0, a.\"type_scale\" -1, 0), null) as int) as 
datetime_precision, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, 
true), null) as varchar(40)) as interval_type, cast(case a.\"type\" when 
'day_interval' then 0 when 'month_interval' then 0 when 'sec_interval' then 
 ts\" in (7, 10, 12, 13), sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_scale\" > 0, 
a.\"type_scale\", 3), 0)) else null end as int) as interval_precision, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
scope_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_schema, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as scope_name, cast(null as int) as maximum_cardinality, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as dtd_identifier, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as declared_numeric_precision, cast(null 
as int) as declared_numeric_scale, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
parameter_default, f.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, f.\"id\" as function_id, 
a.\"id\" as arg_id, f.\"name\" as function_name, f.\"type\" as function_type, 
f.\"system\" as is_system from sys.\"args\" a inner join (select fun.*, (select 
count(*) from sys.args a0 where a0.inout = 0 and a0.func_id = as 
count_out_cols from sys.\"functions\" fun where fun.\"type\
 " in (1, 2, 5, 7)) f on f.\"id\" = a.\"func_id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s 
on s.\"id\" = f.\"schema_id\" order by s.\"name\", f.\"name\", f.\"id\", 
a.\"inout\" desc, a.\"number\";",       "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       
"WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "referential_constraints",      
"create view information_schema.referential_constraints as select cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, fk.\"name\" 
as constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as unique_constraint_catalog, 
uks.\"name\" as unique_constraint_schema, uk.\"name\" as 
unique_constraint_name, cast('FULL' as varchar(7)) as match_option, 
fk.\"update_action\" as update_rule, fk.\"delete_action\" as delete_rule, 
t.\"schema_id\" as fk_schema_id, t.\"id\" as fk_table_id, t.\"name\" as 
fk_table_name, fk.\"id\" as fk_key_id, ukt.\"schema_id\" as uc_schema_id, 
uk.\"table_id\" as uc_table_id, ukt.\"name\" as uc_table_name, uk.\"id\" as 
uc_key_id from sys.\"fkeys\" fk inner join sys.\"tables\" t on t.\"id\" = 
fk.\"table_id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on s.\"id\" = t.\"schema_id\" left 
outer join sys.\"keys\" uk on uk.\"id\" = fk.\"rkey\" left outer join 
sys.\"tables\" ukt on ukt.\"id\" = uk.\"table_id\" l
 eft outer join sys.\"schemas\" uks on uks.\"id\" = ukt.\"schema_id\" order by 
s.\"name\", t.\"name\", fk.\"name\";",   "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       
"WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "routines",     "create view 
information_schema.routines as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
specific_catalog, s.\"name\" as specific_schema, 
cast(f.\"name\"||'('||f.\"id\"||')' as varchar(270)) as specific_name, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as routine_catalog, s.\"name\" as routine_schema, 
f.\"name\" as routine_name, ft.\"function_type_keyword\" as routine_type, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as module_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
module_schema, cast(f.\"mod\" as varchar(128)) as module_name, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as udt_name, cast(case f.\"type\" when 1 then 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, 
true) when 2 then null when 5 then 'TABLE' when 7 then 'TABLE' else null end as 
varchar(1024)) as data_type, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 
a.\"type_digits\", n
 ull) as int) as character_maximum_length, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 4 * 
cast(a.\"type_digits\" as bigint), null) as bigint) as character_octet_length, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_schema, 'UTF-8' as character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as collation_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as collation_name, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 a.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as numeric_precision, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
2, sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('decimal','numeric'), 10, null)) as int) as 
numeric_precision_radix, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 ','double','decimal','numeric','oid'), a.\"type_scale\", null) as int) as 
numeric_scale, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('date','timestamp','timestamptz','time','timetz'), a.\"type_scale\" -1, null) 
as int) as datetime_precision, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, 
true), null) as varchar(40)) as interval_type, cast(case a.\"type\" when 
'day_interval' then 0 when 'month_interval' then 0 when 'sec_interval' then 
(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_digits\" in (7, 10, 12, 13), 
sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_scale\" > 0, a.\"type_scale\", 3), 0)) else null end as 
int) as interval_precision, cast(null as varchar(1)) as type_udt_catalog, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as type_udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
type_udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_catalog, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as scope_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_name, cast(null 
as int) as maximum_cardi
 nality, cast(null as int) as dtd_identifier, 
cast(sys.\"ifthenelse\"(sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\") > 0, 
sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\"), 
sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\")))-1), sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 
sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\"))), null) as varchar(8196)) as routine_body, 
f.\"func\" as routine_definition, 
cast(sys.\"ifthenelse\"(sys.\"locate\"('external name',f.\"func\") > 0, 
sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 14 + sys.\"locate\"('external name',f.\"func\"), 
sys.\"length\"(sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 14 + sys.\"locate\"('external 
name',f.\"func\")))-1), sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 14 + 
sys.\"locate\"('external name',f.\"func\"))), null) as varchar(1024)) as 
external_name, fl.\"language_keyword\" as external_language, 'GENERAL' as 
parameter_style, 'YES' as is_deterministic, cast(sys.if
 thenelse(f.\"side_effect\", 'MODIFIES', 'READ') as varchar(10)) as 
sql_data_access, cast(case f.\"type\" when 2 then null else 'NO' end as 
varchar(3)) as is_null_call, cast(null as varchar(1)) as sql_path, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as schema_level_routine, cast(null as int) as 
max_dynamic_result_sets, cast(null as varchar(1)) as is_user_defined_cast, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as is_implicitly_invocable, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as security_type, cast(null as varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_catalog, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
to_sql_specific_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as as_locator, cast(null as 
timestamp) as created, cast(null as timestamp) as last_altered, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as new_savepoint_level, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
is_udt_dependent, cast(null as varchar(1)) as result_cast_from_data_type, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as result_cast_as_locator, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_char_max_length, cast(null as int) as res
 ult_cast_char_octet_length, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_char_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_char_set_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_collation_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_collation_name, cast(null as int) as result_cast_numeric_precision, 
cast(null as int) as result_cast_numeric_radix, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_numeric_scale, cast(null as int) as result_cast_datetime_precision, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as result_cast_interval_type, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_interval_precision, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_type_udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_type_udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_type_udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_scope_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_scope_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as resul
 t_cast_scope_name, cast(null as int) as result_cast_max_cardinality, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as result_cast_dtd_identifier, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as declared_numeric_precision, cast(null 
as int) as declared_numeric_scale, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_from_declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_declared_numeric_precision, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_declared_numeric_scale, f.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, f.\"id\" as 
function_id, f.\"type\" as function_type, f.\"language\" as function_language, 
f.\"system\" as is_system, cm.\"remark\" as comments from sys.\"functions\" f 
inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on s.\"id\" = f.\"schema_id\" inner join 
sys.\"function_types\" ft on ft.\"function_type_id\" = f.\"type\" inner join 
sys.\"function_languages\" fl on fl.\"language_id\" = f.\"language\" left outer 
join sys.\"args\" a on a.\"func_id\" = f.\"id\" and a.\"inout\" = 0 and 
a.\"number\" = 0 left outer join sys.\"comments\"
  cm on cm.\"id\" = f.\"id\" where f.\"type\" in (1, 2, 5, 7) order by 
s.\"name\", f.\"name\";",        "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",    
 NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "schemata",     "create view 
information_schema.schemata as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as catalog_name, 
s.\"name\" as schema_name, a.\"name\" as schema_owner, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as default_character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
default_character_set_schema, cast('UTF-8' as varchar(16)) as 
default_character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as sql_path, s.\"id\" as 
schema_id, s.\"system\" as is_system, cm.\"remark\" as comments from 
sys.\"schemas\" s inner join sys.\"auths\" a on s.\"owner\" = a.\"id\" left 
outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on s.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" order by s.\"name\";",   
"VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "sequences",    "create view 
information_schema.sequences as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
sequence_catalog, s.\"name\" as sequence_schema, sq.\"name\" as sequence_name, 
cast('BIGINT' as varchar(16)) as data_type, cast(64 as smallint) as 
numeric_precision, cast(2 as smallint) as numeric_precision_radix, cast(0 as 
smallint) as numeric_scale, sq.\"start\" as start_value, sq.\"minvalue\" as 
minimum_value, sq.\"maxvalue\" as maximum_value, sq.\"increment\" as increment, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(sq.\"cycle\", 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as cycle_option, 
cast(null as varchar(16)) as declared_data_type, cast(null as smallint) as 
declared_numeric_precision, cast(null as smallint) as declared_numeric_scale, 
sq.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, sq.\"id\" as sequence_id, 
get_value_for(s.\"name\", sq.\"name\") as current_value, sq.\"cacheinc\" as 
cacheinc, cm.\"remark\" as comments from sys.\"sequences\" sq inner join 
sys.\"schemas\" s on sq.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\
 " left outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on sq.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" order by 
s.\"name\", sq.\"name\";",     "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
-[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.table_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, k.\"name\" as 
constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, s.\"name\" as 
table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, cast(case k.\"type\" when 0 then 
'PRIMARY KEY' when 1 then 'UNIQUE' when 2 then 'FOREIGN KEY' else null end as 
varchar(16)) as constraint_type, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_deferrable, 
cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as initially_deferred, cast('YES' as varchar(3)) as 
enforced, t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, k.\"id\" as 
key_id, k.\"type\" as key_type, t.\"system\" as is_system from (select 
sk.\"id\", sk.\"table_id\", sk.\"name\", sk.\"type\" from sys.\"keys\" sk union 
all select tk.\"id\", tk.\"table_id\", tk.\"name\", tk.\"type\" from 
tmp.\"keys\" tk) k inner join (select st.\"id\", st.\"schema_id\", st.\"name\", 
st.\"system\" from sys.\"_tabl
 es\" st union all select tt.\"id\", tt.\"schema_id\", tt.\"name\", 
tt.\"system\" from tmp.\"_tables\" tt) t on k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner 
join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\", k.\"name\";",     "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.table_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, k.\"name\" as 
constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, s.\"name\" as 
table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, cast(case k.\"type\" when 0 then 
'PRIMARY KEY' when 1 then 'UNIQUE' when 2 then 'FOREIGN KEY' when 3 then 
'UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT' when 4 then 'CHECK' else null end as varchar(26)) 
as constraint_type, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_deferrable, cast('NO' as 
varchar(3)) as initially_deferred, cast('YES' as varchar(3)) as enforced, 
t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, k.\"id\" as key_id, 
k.\"type\" as key_type, t.\"system\" as is_system from (select sk.\"id\", 
sk.\"table_id\", sk.\"name\", sk.\"type\" from sys.\"keys\" sk union all select 
tk.\"id\", tk.\"table_id\", tk.\"name\", tk.\"type\" from tmp.\"keys\" tk) k 
inner join (select st.\"id\", s
 t.\"schema_id\", st.\"name\", st.\"system\" from sys.\"_tables\" st union all 
select tt.\"id\", tt.\"schema_id\", tt.\"name\", tt.\"system\" from 
tmp.\"_tables\" tt) t on k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s 
on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" order by s.\"name\", t.\"name\", k.\"name\";", 
"VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "tables",       "create view 
information_schema.tables as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, 
s.\"name\" as table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, tt.\"table_type_name\" as 
table_type, cast(null as varchar(1)) as self_referencing_column_name, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as reference_generation, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
user_defined_type_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
user_defined_type_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as user_defined_type_name, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse((t.\"type\" in (0, 3, 7, 20, 30) and t.\"access\" in (0, 
2)), 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as is_insertable_into, cast('NO' as 
varchar(3)) as is_typed, cast((case t.\"commit_action\" when 1 then 'DELETE' 
when 2 then 'PRESERVE' when 3 then 'DROP' else null end) as varchar(10)) as 
commit_action, t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, t.\"type\" 
as table_type_id, st.\"count\" as row_count, t.\"system\" as is_system, 
sys.ifthenelse(t.\"type\" in (1, 11), true, fa
 lse) as is_view, t.\"query\" as query_def, cm.\"remark\" as comments from 
sys.\"tables\" t inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" 
inner join sys.\"table_types\" tt on t.\"type\" = tt.\"table_type_id\" left 
outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on t.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" left outer join (select 
distinct \"schema\", \"table\", \"count\" from sys.\"statistics\"()) st on 
(s.\"name\" = st.\"schema\" and t.\"name\" = st.\"table\") order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\";",      "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "views",        "create view 
information_schema.views as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, 
s.\"name\" as table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, t.\"query\" as 
view_definition, cast('NONE' as varchar(10)) as check_option, cast('NO' as 
varchar(3)) as is_updatable, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as insertable_into, 
cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_trigger_updatable, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_trigger_deletable, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_trigger_insertable_into, 
t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(t.\"system\", t.\"type\" + 10 , t.\"type\") as smallint) as 
table_type_id, t.\"system\" as is_system, cm.\"remark\" as comments from 
sys.\"_tables\" t inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" 
left outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on t.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" where t.\"type\" = 
1 order by s.\"name\", t.\"name\";",  "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       
"WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "logging",      "compinfo",     "create view 
logging.compinfo as select * from logging.compinfo();",    "VIEW", true,   
"COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
@@ -603,7 +603,11 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"constraint_catalog",   "varchar",      1,      0,      NULL,   true,   0,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"constraint_schema",    "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   1,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"constraint_name",      "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   2,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
-[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"check_clause", "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   3,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"check_clause", "varchar",      0,      0,      NULL,   true,   3,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"schema_id",    "int",  31,     0,      NULL,   true,   4,      NULL,   NULL    
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"table_id",     "int",  31,     0,      NULL,   true,   5,      NULL,   NULL    
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"table_name",   "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   6,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"key_id",       "int",  31,     0,      NULL,   true,   7,      NULL,   NULL    
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "columns",      
"table_catalog",        "varchar",      1,      0,      NULL,   true,   0,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "columns",      "table_schema", 
"varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   1,      NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "columns",      "table_name",   
"varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   2,      NULL,   NULL    ]
@@ -854,7 +858,7 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"table_catalog",        "varchar",      1,      0,      NULL,   true,   3,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"table_schema", "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   4,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"table_name",   "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   5,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
-[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"constraint_type",      "varchar",      16,     0,      NULL,   true,   6,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"constraint_type",      "varchar",      26,     0,      NULL,   true,   6,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"is_deferrable",        "varchar",      3,      0,      NULL,   true,   7,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"initially_deferred",   "varchar",      3,      0,      NULL,   true,   8,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"enforced",     "varchar",      3,      0,      NULL,   true,   9,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
@@ -3078,6 +3082,7 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % %1,  name,   name,   name,   name,   dependency_type_name # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar # type
 % 21,  7,      37,     18,     26,     4 # length
+[ "function used by view",     "sys",  "check_constraint",     
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
 [ "function used by view",     "sys",  "sql_datatype", "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "function used by view",     "sys",  "sql_datatype", "information_schema",   
"parameters",   "VIEW"  ]
 [ "function used by view",     "sys",  "endswith",     "information_schema",   
"routines",     "VIEW"  ]
@@ -3166,6 +3171,11 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % %1,  name,   name,   name,   name,   dependency_type_name # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar # type
 % 18,  3,      27,     18,     34,     4 # length
+[ "table used by view",        "sys",  "_tables",      "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "sys",  "keys", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "sys",  "schemas",      "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "tmp",  "_tables",      "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "tmp",  "keys", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
 [ "table used by view",        "sys",  "columns",      "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "table used by view",        "sys",  "comments",     "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "table used by view",        "sys",  "schemas",      "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
@@ -3429,6 +3439,25 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % %1,  name,   name,   name,   name,   name,   dependency_type_name # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar,        varchar # type
 % 19,  3,      27,     21,     18,     34,     4 # length
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "_tables",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "_tables",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "_tables",      "schema_id",    
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "id",   "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "name", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "table_id",     
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "type", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "authorization",        
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "owner",        
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "system",       
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "_tables",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "_tables",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "_tables",      "schema_id",    
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "id",   "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "name", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "table_id",     
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "type", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
 [ "column used by view",       "sys",  "columns",      "default",      
"information_schema",   "columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "column used by view",       "sys",  "columns",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "column used by view",       "sys",  "columns",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "columns",      "VIEW"  ]
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out.int128
@@ -446,14 +446,14 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
boolean,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar # type
 % 11,  18,     34,     6812,   5,      5,      8,      8,      0 # length
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "character_sets",       "create 
view information_schema.character_sets as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_schema, 
cast('UTF-8' as varchar(16)) as character_set_name, cast('ISO/IEC 10646:2021' 
as varchar(20)) as character_repertoire, cast('UTF-8' as varchar(16)) as 
form_of_use, cast(null as varchar(1)) as default_collate_catalog, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as default_collate_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
default_collate_name;",  "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL   
-[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.check_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1024)) as constraint_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1024)) as constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1024)) as 
check_clause where 1=0;",  "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL 
+[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.check_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, k.\"name\" as 
constraint_name, sys.check_constraint(s.\"name\", k.\"name\") as check_clause, 
t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, t.\"name\" as table_name, 
k.\"id\" as key_id from (select sk.\"id\", sk.\"table_id\", sk.\"name\" from 
sys.\"keys\" sk where sk.\"type\" = 4 union all select tk.\"id\", 
tk.\"table_id\", tk.\"name\" from tmp.\"keys\" tk where tk.\"type\" = 4) k 
inner join (select st.\"id\", st.\"schema_id\", st.\"name\" from 
sys.\"_tables\" st union all select tt.\"id\", tt.\"schema_id\", tt.\"name\" 
from tmp.\"_tables\" tt) t on k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner join 
sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\", k.\"name\";",       "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "columns",      "create view 
information_schema.columns as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, 
s.\"name\" as table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, c.\"name\" as 
column_name, cast(1 + c.\"number\" as int) as ordinal_position, c.\"default\" 
as column_default, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"null\", 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) 
as is_nullable, cast(sys.\"sql_datatype\"(c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", 
c.\"type_scale\", true, true) as varchar(1024)) as data_type, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') 
and c.\"type_digits\" > 0, c.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as 
character_maximum_length, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and c.\"type_digits\" > 0, 4 * 
cast(c.\"type_digits\" as bigint), null) as bigint) as character_octet_length, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
 type_digits\", null) as int) as numeric_precision, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
2, sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in ('decimal','numeric'), 10, null)) as int) as 
numeric_precision_radix, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
 c.\"type_scale\", null) as int) as numeric_scale, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type_scale\" > 0, c.\"type_scale\" -1, 0), null) as int) as 
datetime_precision, cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", c.\"type_scale\", true, 
true), null) as varchar(40)) as interval_type, cast(case c.\"type\" when 
'day_interval' then 0 when 'month_interval' then 0 when 'sec_interval' then 
(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type_digits\" in (7, 10, 12, 13), 
 sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type_scale\" > 0, c.\"type_scale\", 3), 0)) else null end 
as int) as interval_precision, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_schema, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(c.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml'), 
'UTF-8', null) as varchar(16)) as character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as collation_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as collation_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as domain_catalog, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as domain_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
domain_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as scope_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_schema, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as scope_name, cast(null as int) as maximum_cardinality, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as dtd_identifier, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_self_referencing, cast(sys.i
 fthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null or c.\"null\", 'NO', 'YES') as varchar(3)) as 
is_identity, seq.\"name\" as identity_generation, seq.\"start\" as 
identity_start, seq.\"increment\" as identity_increment, seq.\"maxvalue\" as 
identity_maximum, seq.\"minvalue\" as identity_minimum, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null, null, sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"cycle\", 
'YES', 'NO')) as varchar(3)) as identity_cycle, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null, 'NO', 'YES') as varchar(3)) as 
is_generated, cast(sys.ifthenelse(seq.\"name\" is null, null, c.\"default\") as 
varchar(1024)) as generation_expression, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_system_time_period_start, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_system_time_period_end, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
system_time_period_timestamp_generation, cast(sys.ifthenelse(t.\"type\" in 
(0,3,7,20,30), 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as is_updatable, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as 
declared_numeric_precision, cast(null as int) as declare
 d_numeric_scale, t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, c.\"table_id\" as table_id, 
c.\"id\" as column_id, seq.\"id\" as sequence_id, t.\"system\" as is_system, 
cm.\"remark\" as comments from sys.\"columns\" c inner join sys.\"tables\" t on 
c.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = 
s.\"id\" left outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on c.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" left outer 
join sys.\"sequences\" seq on ((seq.\"name\"||'\"') = substring(c.\"default\", 
3 + sys.\"locate\"('\".\"seq_',c.\"default\",14))) order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\", c.\"number\";", "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "parameters",   "create view 
information_schema.parameters as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
specific_catalog, s.\"name\" as specific_schema, 
cast(f.\"name\"||'('||f.\"id\"||')' as varchar(270)) as specific_name, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse((a.\"inout\" = 0 or f.\"type\" = 2), 1 + a.\"number\", 
sys.ifthenelse(f.\"type\" = 1, a.\"number\", (1 + a.\"number\" - 
f.count_out_cols))) as int) as ordinal_position, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"inout\" = 0, 'OUT', sys.ifthenelse(a.\"inout\" = 1, 
'IN', 'INOUT')) as varchar(5)) as parameter_mode, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"inout\" = 0, 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as is_result, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as as_locator, a.\"name\" as parameter_name, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as from_sql_specific_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
from_sql_specific_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as from_sql_specific_name, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as to_sql_specific_schema, cast(null as 
 varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_name, cast(sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", 
a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, true) as varchar(1024)) as 
data_type, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 
a.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as character_maximum_length, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') 
and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 4 * cast(a.\"type_digits\" as bigint), null) as 
bigint) as character_octet_length, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_schema, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml'), 
'UTF-8', null) as varchar(16)) as character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as collation_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as collation_name, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 l','numeric','oid'), a.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as numeric_precision, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
2, sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('decimal','numeric'), 10, null)) as int) as 
numeric_precision_radix, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 a.\"type_scale\", null) as int) as numeric_scale, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_scale\" > 0, a.\"type_scale\" -1, 0), null) as int) as 
datetime_precision, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, 
true), null) as varchar(40)) as interval_type, cast(case a.\"type\" when 
'day_interval' then 0 when 'month_interval' then 0 when 'sec_interval' then 
 ts\" in (7, 10, 12, 13), sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_scale\" > 0, 
a.\"type_scale\", 3), 0)) else null end as int) as interval_precision, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
scope_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_schema, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as scope_name, cast(null as int) as maximum_cardinality, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as dtd_identifier, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as declared_numeric_precision, cast(null 
as int) as declared_numeric_scale, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
parameter_default, f.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, f.\"id\" as function_id, 
a.\"id\" as arg_id, f.\"name\" as function_name, f.\"type\" as function_type, 
f.\"system\" as is_system from sys.\"args\" a inner join (select fun.*, (select 
count(*) from sys.args a0 where a0.inout = 0 and a0.func_id = as 
count_out_cols from sys.\"functions\" fun where fun.\"type\
 " in (1, 2, 5, 7)) f on f.\"id\" = a.\"func_id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s 
on s.\"id\" = f.\"schema_id\" order by s.\"name\", f.\"name\", f.\"id\", 
a.\"inout\" desc, a.\"number\";",       "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       
"WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "referential_constraints",      
"create view information_schema.referential_constraints as select cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, fk.\"name\" 
as constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as unique_constraint_catalog, 
uks.\"name\" as unique_constraint_schema, uk.\"name\" as 
unique_constraint_name, cast('FULL' as varchar(7)) as match_option, 
fk.\"update_action\" as update_rule, fk.\"delete_action\" as delete_rule, 
t.\"schema_id\" as fk_schema_id, t.\"id\" as fk_table_id, t.\"name\" as 
fk_table_name, fk.\"id\" as fk_key_id, ukt.\"schema_id\" as uc_schema_id, 
uk.\"table_id\" as uc_table_id, ukt.\"name\" as uc_table_name, uk.\"id\" as 
uc_key_id from sys.\"fkeys\" fk inner join sys.\"tables\" t on t.\"id\" = 
fk.\"table_id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on s.\"id\" = t.\"schema_id\" left 
outer join sys.\"keys\" uk on uk.\"id\" = fk.\"rkey\" left outer join 
sys.\"tables\" ukt on ukt.\"id\" = uk.\"table_id\" l
 eft outer join sys.\"schemas\" uks on uks.\"id\" = ukt.\"schema_id\" order by 
s.\"name\", t.\"name\", fk.\"name\";",   "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       
"WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "routines",     "create view 
information_schema.routines as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
specific_catalog, s.\"name\" as specific_schema, 
cast(f.\"name\"||'('||f.\"id\"||')' as varchar(270)) as specific_name, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as routine_catalog, s.\"name\" as routine_schema, 
f.\"name\" as routine_name, ft.\"function_type_keyword\" as routine_type, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as module_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
module_schema, cast(f.\"mod\" as varchar(128)) as module_name, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as udt_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as udt_name, cast(case f.\"type\" when 1 then 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, 
true) when 2 then null when 5 then 'TABLE' when 7 then 'TABLE' else null end as 
varchar(1024)) as data_type, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 
a.\"type_digits\", n
 ull) as int) as character_maximum_length, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('varchar','clob','char','json','url','xml') and a.\"type_digits\" > 0, 4 * 
cast(a.\"type_digits\" as bigint), null) as bigint) as character_octet_length, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
character_set_schema, 'UTF-8' as character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as collation_schema, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as collation_name, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 a.\"type_digits\", null) as int) as numeric_precision, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
2, sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in ('decimal','numeric'), 10, null)) as int) as 
numeric_precision_radix, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
 ','double','decimal','numeric','oid'), a.\"type_scale\", null) as int) as 
numeric_scale, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
('date','timestamp','timestamptz','time','timetz'), a.\"type_scale\" -1, null) 
as int) as datetime_precision, cast(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type\" in 
sys.\"sql_datatype\"(a.\"type\", a.\"type_digits\", a.\"type_scale\", true, 
true), null) as varchar(40)) as interval_type, cast(case a.\"type\" when 
'day_interval' then 0 when 'month_interval' then 0 when 'sec_interval' then 
(sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_digits\" in (7, 10, 12, 13), 
sys.ifthenelse(a.\"type_scale\" > 0, a.\"type_scale\", 3), 0)) else null end as 
int) as interval_precision, cast(null as varchar(1)) as type_udt_catalog, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as type_udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
type_udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_catalog, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as scope_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as scope_name, cast(null 
as int) as maximum_cardi
 nality, cast(null as int) as dtd_identifier, 
cast(sys.\"ifthenelse\"(sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\") > 0, 
sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\"), 
sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\")))-1), sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 
sys.\"locate\"('begin',f.\"func\"))), null) as varchar(8196)) as routine_body, 
f.\"func\" as routine_definition, 
cast(sys.\"ifthenelse\"(sys.\"locate\"('external name',f.\"func\") > 0, 
sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 14 + sys.\"locate\"('external name',f.\"func\"), 
sys.\"length\"(sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 14 + sys.\"locate\"('external 
name',f.\"func\")))-1), sys.\"substring\"(f.\"func\", 14 + 
sys.\"locate\"('external name',f.\"func\"))), null) as varchar(1024)) as 
external_name, fl.\"language_keyword\" as external_language, 'GENERAL' as 
parameter_style, 'YES' as is_deterministic, cast(sys.if
 thenelse(f.\"side_effect\", 'MODIFIES', 'READ') as varchar(10)) as 
sql_data_access, cast(case f.\"type\" when 2 then null else 'NO' end as 
varchar(3)) as is_null_call, cast(null as varchar(1)) as sql_path, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as schema_level_routine, cast(null as int) as 
max_dynamic_result_sets, cast(null as varchar(1)) as is_user_defined_cast, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as is_implicitly_invocable, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as security_type, cast(null as varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_catalog, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as to_sql_specific_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
to_sql_specific_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as as_locator, cast(null as 
timestamp) as created, cast(null as timestamp) as last_altered, cast(null as 
varchar(1)) as new_savepoint_level, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
is_udt_dependent, cast(null as varchar(1)) as result_cast_from_data_type, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as result_cast_as_locator, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_char_max_length, cast(null as int) as res
 ult_cast_char_octet_length, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_char_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_char_set_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_collation_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_collation_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_collation_name, cast(null as int) as result_cast_numeric_precision, 
cast(null as int) as result_cast_numeric_radix, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_numeric_scale, cast(null as int) as result_cast_datetime_precision, 
cast(null as varchar(1)) as result_cast_interval_type, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_interval_precision, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_type_udt_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_type_udt_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_type_udt_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_scope_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_scope_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as resul
 t_cast_scope_name, cast(null as int) as result_cast_max_cardinality, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as result_cast_dtd_identifier, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as declared_numeric_precision, cast(null 
as int) as declared_numeric_scale, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
result_cast_from_declared_data_type, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_declared_numeric_precision, cast(null as int) as 
result_cast_declared_numeric_scale, f.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, f.\"id\" as 
function_id, f.\"type\" as function_type, f.\"language\" as function_language, 
f.\"system\" as is_system, cm.\"remark\" as comments from sys.\"functions\" f 
inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on s.\"id\" = f.\"schema_id\" inner join 
sys.\"function_types\" ft on ft.\"function_type_id\" = f.\"type\" inner join 
sys.\"function_languages\" fl on fl.\"language_id\" = f.\"language\" left outer 
join sys.\"args\" a on a.\"func_id\" = f.\"id\" and a.\"inout\" = 0 and 
a.\"number\" = 0 left outer join sys.\"comments\"
  cm on cm.\"id\" = f.\"id\" where f.\"type\" in (1, 2, 5, 7) order by 
s.\"name\", f.\"name\";",        "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",    
 NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "schemata",     "create view 
information_schema.schemata as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as catalog_name, 
s.\"name\" as schema_name, a.\"name\" as schema_owner, cast(null as varchar(1)) 
as default_character_set_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
default_character_set_schema, cast('UTF-8' as varchar(16)) as 
default_character_set_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as sql_path, s.\"id\" as 
schema_id, s.\"system\" as is_system, cm.\"remark\" as comments from 
sys.\"schemas\" s inner join sys.\"auths\" a on s.\"owner\" = a.\"id\" left 
outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on s.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" order by s.\"name\";",   
"VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "sequences",    "create view 
information_schema.sequences as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
sequence_catalog, s.\"name\" as sequence_schema, sq.\"name\" as sequence_name, 
cast('BIGINT' as varchar(16)) as data_type, cast(64 as smallint) as 
numeric_precision, cast(2 as smallint) as numeric_precision_radix, cast(0 as 
smallint) as numeric_scale, sq.\"start\" as start_value, sq.\"minvalue\" as 
minimum_value, sq.\"maxvalue\" as maximum_value, sq.\"increment\" as increment, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(sq.\"cycle\", 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as cycle_option, 
cast(null as varchar(16)) as declared_data_type, cast(null as smallint) as 
declared_numeric_precision, cast(null as smallint) as declared_numeric_scale, 
sq.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, sq.\"id\" as sequence_id, 
get_value_for(s.\"name\", sq.\"name\") as current_value, sq.\"cacheinc\" as 
cacheinc, cm.\"remark\" as comments from sys.\"sequences\" sq inner join 
sys.\"schemas\" s on sq.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\
 " left outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on sq.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" order by 
s.\"name\", sq.\"name\";",     "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
-[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.table_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, k.\"name\" as 
constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, s.\"name\" as 
table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, cast(case k.\"type\" when 0 then 
'PRIMARY KEY' when 1 then 'UNIQUE' when 2 then 'FOREIGN KEY' else null end as 
varchar(16)) as constraint_type, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_deferrable, 
cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as initially_deferred, cast('YES' as varchar(3)) as 
enforced, t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, k.\"id\" as 
key_id, k.\"type\" as key_type, t.\"system\" as is_system from (select 
sk.\"id\", sk.\"table_id\", sk.\"name\", sk.\"type\" from sys.\"keys\" sk union 
all select tk.\"id\", tk.\"table_id\", tk.\"name\", tk.\"type\" from 
tmp.\"keys\" tk) k inner join (select st.\"id\", st.\"schema_id\", st.\"name\", 
st.\"system\" from sys.\"_tabl
 es\" st union all select tt.\"id\", tt.\"schema_id\", tt.\"name\", 
tt.\"system\" from tmp.\"_tables\" tt) t on k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner 
join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\", k.\"name\";",     "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    "create 
view information_schema.table_constraints as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
constraint_catalog, s.\"name\" as constraint_schema, k.\"name\" as 
constraint_name, cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, s.\"name\" as 
table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, cast(case k.\"type\" when 0 then 
'PRIMARY KEY' when 1 then 'UNIQUE' when 2 then 'FOREIGN KEY' when 3 then 
'UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT' when 4 then 'CHECK' else null end as varchar(26)) 
as constraint_type, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_deferrable, cast('NO' as 
varchar(3)) as initially_deferred, cast('YES' as varchar(3)) as enforced, 
t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, k.\"id\" as key_id, 
k.\"type\" as key_type, t.\"system\" as is_system from (select sk.\"id\", 
sk.\"table_id\", sk.\"name\", sk.\"type\" from sys.\"keys\" sk union all select 
tk.\"id\", tk.\"table_id\", tk.\"name\", tk.\"type\" from tmp.\"keys\" tk) k 
inner join (select st.\"id\", s
 t.\"schema_id\", st.\"name\", st.\"system\" from sys.\"_tables\" st union all 
select tt.\"id\", tt.\"schema_id\", tt.\"name\", tt.\"system\" from 
tmp.\"_tables\" tt) t on k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" inner join sys.\"schemas\" s 
on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" order by s.\"name\", t.\"name\", k.\"name\";", 
"VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "tables",       "create view 
information_schema.tables as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, 
s.\"name\" as table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, tt.\"table_type_name\" as 
table_type, cast(null as varchar(1)) as self_referencing_column_name, cast(null 
as varchar(1)) as reference_generation, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
user_defined_type_catalog, cast(null as varchar(1)) as 
user_defined_type_schema, cast(null as varchar(1)) as user_defined_type_name, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse((t.\"type\" in (0, 3, 7, 20, 30) and t.\"access\" in (0, 
2)), 'YES', 'NO') as varchar(3)) as is_insertable_into, cast('NO' as 
varchar(3)) as is_typed, cast((case t.\"commit_action\" when 1 then 'DELETE' 
when 2 then 'PRESERVE' when 3 then 'DROP' else null end) as varchar(10)) as 
commit_action, t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, t.\"type\" 
as table_type_id, st.\"count\" as row_count, t.\"system\" as is_system, 
sys.ifthenelse(t.\"type\" in (1, 11), true, fa
 lse) as is_view, t.\"query\" as query_def, cm.\"remark\" as comments from 
sys.\"tables\" t inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" 
inner join sys.\"table_types\" tt on t.\"type\" = tt.\"table_type_id\" left 
outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on t.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" left outer join (select 
distinct \"schema\", \"table\", \"count\" from sys.\"statistics\"()) st on 
(s.\"name\" = st.\"schema\" and t.\"name\" = st.\"table\") order by s.\"name\", 
t.\"name\";",      "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "information_schema",   "views",        "create view 
information_schema.views as select cast(null as varchar(1)) as table_catalog, 
s.\"name\" as table_schema, t.\"name\" as table_name, t.\"query\" as 
view_definition, cast('NONE' as varchar(10)) as check_option, cast('NO' as 
varchar(3)) as is_updatable, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as insertable_into, 
cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_trigger_updatable, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as 
is_trigger_deletable, cast('NO' as varchar(3)) as is_trigger_insertable_into, 
t.\"schema_id\" as schema_id, t.\"id\" as table_id, 
cast(sys.ifthenelse(t.\"system\", t.\"type\" + 10 , t.\"type\") as smallint) as 
table_type_id, t.\"system\" as is_system, cm.\"remark\" as comments from 
sys.\"_tables\" t inner join sys.\"schemas\" s on t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" 
left outer join sys.\"comments\" cm on t.\"id\" = cm.\"id\" where t.\"type\" = 
1 order by s.\"name\", t.\"name\";",  "VIEW", true,   "COMMIT",       
"WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
 [ "sys._tables",       "logging",      "compinfo",     "create view 
logging.compinfo as select * from logging.compinfo();",    "VIEW", true,   
"COMMIT",       "WRITABLE",     NULL    ]
@@ -603,7 +603,11 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"constraint_catalog",   "varchar",      1,      0,      NULL,   true,   0,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"constraint_schema",    "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   1,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"constraint_name",      "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   2,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
-[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"check_clause", "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   3,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"check_clause", "varchar",      0,      0,      NULL,   true,   3,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"schema_id",    "int",  31,     0,      NULL,   true,   4,      NULL,   NULL    
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"table_id",     "int",  31,     0,      NULL,   true,   5,      NULL,   NULL    
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"table_name",   "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   6,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "check_constraints",    
"key_id",       "int",  31,     0,      NULL,   true,   7,      NULL,   NULL    
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "columns",      
"table_catalog",        "varchar",      1,      0,      NULL,   true,   0,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "columns",      "table_schema", 
"varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   1,      NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "columns",      "table_name",   
"varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   2,      NULL,   NULL    ]
@@ -854,7 +858,7 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"table_catalog",        "varchar",      1,      0,      NULL,   true,   3,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"table_schema", "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   4,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"table_name",   "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   5,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
-[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"constraint_type",      "varchar",      16,     0,      NULL,   true,   6,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
+[ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"constraint_type",      "varchar",      26,     0,      NULL,   true,   6,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"is_deferrable",        "varchar",      3,      0,      NULL,   true,   7,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"initially_deferred",   "varchar",      3,      0,      NULL,   true,   8,      
NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys._columns",      "information_schema",   "table_constraints",    
"enforced",     "varchar",      3,      0,      NULL,   true,   9,      NULL,   
NULL    ]
@@ -3193,6 +3197,7 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % %1,  name,   name,   name,   name,   dependency_type_name # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar # type
 % 21,  7,      37,     18,     26,     4 # length
+[ "function used by view",     "sys",  "check_constraint",     
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
 [ "function used by view",     "sys",  "sql_datatype", "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "function used by view",     "sys",  "sql_datatype", "information_schema",   
"parameters",   "VIEW"  ]
 [ "function used by view",     "sys",  "endswith",     "information_schema",   
"routines",     "VIEW"  ]
@@ -3281,6 +3286,11 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % %1,  name,   name,   name,   name,   dependency_type_name # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar # type
 % 18,  3,      27,     18,     34,     4 # length
+[ "table used by view",        "sys",  "_tables",      "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "sys",  "keys", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "sys",  "schemas",      "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "tmp",  "_tables",      "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "table used by view",        "tmp",  "keys", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
 [ "table used by view",        "sys",  "columns",      "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "table used by view",        "sys",  "comments",     "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "table used by view",        "sys",  "schemas",      "information_schema",   
"columns",      "VIEW"  ]
@@ -3544,6 +3554,25 @@ select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', de
 % %1,  name,   name,   name,   name,   name,   dependency_type_name # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar,        varchar # type
 % 19,  3,      27,     21,     18,     34,     4 # length
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "_tables",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "_tables",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "_tables",      "schema_id",    
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "id",   "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "name", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "table_id",     
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "keys", "type", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "authorization",        
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "owner",        
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "sys",  "schemas",      "system",       
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "_tables",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "_tables",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "_tables",      "schema_id",    
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "id",   "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "name", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "table_id",     
"information_schema",   "check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
+[ "column used by view",       "tmp",  "keys", "type", "information_schema",   
"check_constraints",    "VIEW"  ]
 [ "column used by view",       "sys",  "columns",      "default",      
"information_schema",   "columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "column used by view",       "sys",  "columns",      "id",   
"information_schema",   "columns",      "VIEW"  ]
 [ "column used by view",       "sys",  "columns",      "name", 
"information_schema",   "columns",      "VIEW"  ]
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