
> #1 - Behavior_configuration.html claims that "Auth Basic, Basic" allows
> both schemes. It means to say "Auth Basic, Digest", right?

  Fixed, thanks Kurt!

  BTW, it is a wiki [1], so if you see more mistakes it would be great
  if you could fix them :-)

  [1] http://www.0x50.org/wiki/

> #2 - I'm having difficulty understanding the regex power of the new
> Request behavior. The documentation is throwing me as to what is
> actually passed in when using a regex. For instance, my server config
> contains these lines:
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> |   Directory / {
> |      Handler common
> |   }
> |
> |   Request "^/projects/$" {
> |      Handler redir {
> |         Rewrite "^/projects/$" "/index.php?pagename=projects"
> |      }
> |   }
> |
> |   Request "^/projects/[^/]+/$" {
> |      Handler redir {
> |         Rewrite "^/projects/([^/]+)/$" "/index.php?pagename=$1"
> |      }
> |   }
> +---
> The directory structure for that actually exists, however, because I
> want Wordpress to handle the pages, and I want to store the files for
> the projects in the appropriate directories. So:
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> |   /projects/                  =>  redirects to projects page
> |   /projects/example/          =>  redirects to example page
> |   /projects/example/file.txt  =>  returns file.txt
> +---
> What I'm getting are HTTP 500 error codes, unless I request, in this
> example, file.txt, which is properly returned. If I didn't screw up the
> regex syntax, what have I missed? Thanks for any help with this.

  Could you please try with 0.5.0b1?  I have fixed a related bug..
  I have been using this configuration instead:

  Directory / {
     Handler common

  Directory /projects {
     Handler redir {
        URL "/index.php?pagename=projects"

  Request "^/projects/.+/$" {
     Handler redir {
        Rewrite "^/projects/(.+)/$" "/index.php?pagename=$1"

Greetings, alo.
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