Alvaro Lopez Ortega wrote:

>  > i was using apache before with a specific configuration :
>  >
>  > <VirtualHost *:80>
>  >  ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >  DocumentRoot /home/www/
>  >  ServerName
>  >  ServerAlias *
>  >
>  >  RewriteEngine On
>  >  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}
> !^/(tools|awstats|image|favicon.ico|robots.txt)
>  >  RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /home/www/ [L]
>  > </VirtualHost>

  I made a mistake with the previous configuration, what you really
  need is this:

Port 80
DocumentRoot /var/www

Directory / {
  Handler redir {
    Rewrite "(.*)$" "/index.php/$1"

Directory /tools   { Handler common }
Directory /awstats { Handler common }
Directory /image   { Handler file }

Request "^/favicon.ico$" { Handler file }
Request "^/robots.txt$"  { Handler file }
Request "^/index.php.*$" { Handler phpcgi }

  - It doesn't change the URL
  - Uses the pathinfo in /index.php

Greetings, alo.
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