Dilip Ranganathan wrote:

>>> I have been programming for a decade but so far my experience has
>>> completely been in C++/C# and the Windows platform.  I know very
>>> little about Unix.  With that said I have a quick question --
>>> although I am completely familiar with multi-threaded programming
>>> in general, I am not completely familiar with pThreads, could you
>>> tell me how the function cherokee_thread_step_MULTI_THREAD is
>>> called (and by who) in thread.c?
>> There is a macro which uses it, take a look at thread.h.  The
>> function call cherokee_thread_step() is mapped depending on the
>> Pthread support, if it is supported it is going to call to
>> cherokee_thread_step_MULTI_THREAD.
> Awesome.  I will check it out.  Do you mind if I, every now & then,
> bug you with questions like this?  I will probably make sure that I
> have done enough research before deciding to shoot my mouth off.

  Of course, don't hesitate do ask whatever you need.  Actually, it is
  something good.. to more we talk about it, the easier it is going to
  be for new developers to find these answers in Google :-)

> By the way, do you mind if I move this conversation to the mail
> list?  I might be interesting for more people :-)
> Not a problem at all.  I just didn't want to waste the mailing
> list's bandwidth with newbie style questions.

  Cherokee is also a web server framework not only a HTTP daemon, so
  this kind of talk on the API is interesting for the people who are
  using the libraries embedded in their projects.

> Do you have an URL to the mailing list?

  Sure: http://www.alobbs.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cherokee

  I'm CC'ing this mail to the list..

Greetings, alo.
Cherokee mailing list

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