Alvaro Lopez Ortega wrote:
Hi all,

  I want to introduce you one of the new features in which I have been
  working for the next release..

  The target was to clean up a little bit the syntax of the Request
  entries. In 0.4.29 it works like:

  Request "^/dir1/.*/file$" {
    Handler redir {
      Rewrite "^/dir1/(.*)/file$" "$1";

  In the next release, it will support the previous configuration
  entry and this new syntax which, in my opinion, makes much more

  Request "^/dir1/(.*)/file$" {
    Handler redir {
      Rewrite "$1";

  It is also slightly faster than the previous one (it needs to parse
  one regular expression less).

  Comments? Ideas? :-)

maybe I stayed a little overly long day at a Boxing Day party but something doesn't strike me as quite right.

Looking in the documentation it looks like you want the input of the rewrites sequence to be the shortened form of the name and the output to be a longer form of the name. Whereas it looks like your example has it backwards (i.e. longer URL to shortened form). I'm going to assume I'm missing something obvious.

--- eric
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