
>    My understanding is that Cherokee can't do much on that.
>    I usually have to spread awful things like this along the code I
>    need to debug. :-(
>      echo "<h1>I'm here: val=$val</h1>"; die;
>    Anyway, I know that Jonathan or Pablo are subscribed to the list,
>    (they are the one of best web developers I have ever met..) so
>    hopefully they will have some tricks and advices ;-)

Here I am ;-)

Alo is right, Cherokee doesn't provides a good debugger for web
applications and this is understandable, adding a debugger to Cherokee
will make it a bit slower and we don't want that  ;-).

However not everything is lost. If you are a web developer you can use
some PHP debuggers/profilers. By default they work with Apache
(mod_php4) but they also support php-cgi (using fcgi, in Cherokee).

I'd suggest you to use:

xdebug: http://xdebug.org/
apd (Advanced PHP Debugger):http://apd.communityconnect.com/

BTW, here's a tip to debug PHP applications while using (f)CGI: You need
to add the -e flag to enable extra information for profilers/debuggers.

Pablo Fischer Sandoval (pablo [arroba/at] pablo.com.mx)
Cel: (044-55) 2689-6351
Fingerprint:  5973 0F10 543F 54AE 1E41  EC81 0840 A10A 74A4 E5C0

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