Juan A. Moreno wrote:

> I install Cherokee form my package for Slackware. I create in
> DocumentRoot one web .php with:
> <?php
>   phpinfo();
> ?>
> Cherokee say: handler_phpcgi.c/158: ERROR: PHP interpreter not found
> ((null)). Please install it.
> In the conf have:
> Extension php, php3, php4 {
>     Handler phpcgi
> }
> Whet i define directive Interpreter (Interpreter /usr/bin/php) say:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/cherokee# /etc/rc.d/rc.cherokee start
> Error parsing file :397 'syntax error', symbol 'Interpreter'
> Couldn't read the config file
> Starting Cherokee

  I guess it is because you added the interpreter option in the wrong
  place. Try this out:

Extension php, php3, php4 {
    Handler phpcgi {
       Interpreter /usr/bin/php

  By the way, it seems to be an odd path for the php CGI binary. You
  should ensure you are using the right version of PHP, it must be the
  "cgi-fcgi" version:

$ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php5 -v
PHP 5.0.5-3 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Oct 20 2005 17:50:42)

  Good luck Juan,

Greetings, alo.
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