Hello to all.

I have been new in the list and I know east project for hardly 1 week. I
speak Spanish and my level of English is very basic. This text this translated
with "Babel Fish". In ahead I hope to be able to write in English i myself.

I have liked much the idea to create an alternative to Apache who is new
and who takes advantage of the acquired experience the last years in software
this type, instead of modifying one previously created.

Since it interests to me to form active part of this project I have thought
to contribute contributing my modest knowledge on security. For that reason
I would like to know to me if exist some group dedicated to this field, and
to put to me in contact with them so that they bring up to date me of which
makes lack. Or on the other hand to begin I by my account.

Greetings and congratulations by the project.

Cherokee mailing list

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