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Hi guys.  I just wanted to announce that after 5 months of anxious
waiting, I now have my '69 home from the body shop!  What a great
feeling to have the car back in my own garage.

For those of you just starting, just keep going.  I've been at it for
5-6 years now.  It can be slow going, but well worth it!

If you'd like to see it, go to   
Note the 2nd car from the top and the direct link "See it’s finished
paint job here!"

Please notice the custom graphics on the side of the car.  A ghosted
Bowtie with flames.  The high quality pic page will show the graphics
better, but the page will take a long time to fully load on a slow
internet connection.

Check out my webpage at
and my For Sale page at
Team Chevelle membership #178 (Gold)
Time Flies: "It's funny how you can watch a clock and time seems to
stand still.  But turn away, and you have to measure time with a
calendar rather than a clock."  mjp

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