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well said....

We've been putting up with this for a lot of years, and the situation
only gets worse.  It's time to take an offensive position.   

> "Robert B. King" wrote:
> To all,
> I will apologize in advance for my rantings.
> Under normal circumstances, a diplomatic approach to international
> problems would be preferable to military action.   But, these are not
> a normal circumstances and is most definitely no ordinary events.  The
> rules have changed and the time has come for the people of this great
> country to demand a response.  Congress must step up to the plate
> declare a formal state of war on any and all that allow, encourage and
> perform such despicable acts.  We, the American people need to be
> assured that these events will not go unanswered.  We need to let the
> rest of the world know that we can not and will not allow any entity
> to attack our citizens or our military ever again.  We must put the
> terrorist communities around the world on alert that they have pissed
> off the wrong country.
> I heard talk on the news channels yesterday about declarations of war
> with references to Vietnam, Korea, Desert Storm, etc. along with the
> fact that a declaration of war has not been made since the attack on
> Pearl Harbor.  Wake up people, that was then.  Uncounted Americans are
> dead, American property has been destroyed and the sanctity of our
> freedom and very way of life is being challenged like never before.
> These attacks happened on American soil.  Usama Bin Laden issues
> statements that he did not do this.  Muslim extremists and supporters
> of terrorism celebrate in the streets.  Others extremists taunt the
> U.S. stating that we "do not have the belly" to retaliate.  The
> Taliban government of Afghanistan backs him up and then says; don't
> bomb us, innocent people will die and reminds us to consider the
> consequences.  Too late Bubba.
> I am in one hundred percent agreement with the notion that countries
> that aid and abet terrorism should also be held accountable.  The
> terrorists that carried out this attack can no longer be punished by
> any living human being, but their comrades and leaders need to be
> dealt with immediately, swiftly and absolutely.  If the execution of
> this plan involves military action, so be it.  The full wrath of the
> American people must be unleashed against our enemies.
> The nature of terrorism is so perverse and elusive that civilized
> people can not readily understand it to the degree necessary to
> effectively eradicate this threat to humanity.  This is an issue of
> generational hatred that has now come to a head with the United States
> as its primary focus.  I for one do not want to live in the gun sights
> of an enemy with no face, courage, honor or reason.  There will be no
> diplomatic solutions.  There will be no negotiations.  There will be
> no compromise.  There must be action.
> This sh.. stops, and it stops right now.
> Thanks for letting me vent.
> Robert B. King
> Safety Harbor, Florida

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