Replies to this message are sent to The Chevelle Mailing List

At 04:12 PM 09/16/2001, you wrote:

>Replies to this message are sent to The Chevelle Mailing List
>Who is this lady?

We, the undersigned, request your immediate resignation from the United 
States House of Representatives. Your lone dissenting vote against the
      use of force as a response to the mass murders of many thousands of 
innocent people in New York shows that you do not have the intestinal
      fortitude, compassion, or comprehension of events to represent 
citizens of the great country of the United States of America. Your vote 
ignores     not only the heroism and sacrifice of many ordinary Americans 
during this crisis, but the sanctity of life and property that are the very 
foundations of our society. The shame your cowardice heaps upon the country 
demands you attempt to regain a small amount of honor by your resignation.

The Hannas
2 Elks Ranch

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