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>Has anyone had the string break off of gear selector in the dash part of 
>the speedometer head?

I pulled the entire dash a few years back and was able to work on the 
selector then.  I don't know if there is a way to get at it without pulling 

>  If so how hard is it to retie it on or replace it. I had the speedometer 
> head out but couldn't figure out how to get the gear selector indicator 
> separated from the speedometer.

I forget how I did it but it must have been simple since I figured it out 
without the CSM.

>Sweep type speedometer, may be I didn't look close enough when I had it 
>out. I broke it when I was changing the steering column--forgot to unhook it

Hmmm, I recently broke the indicator doing exactly the same thing so I 
guess I need to fix mine too. :(

Anyone got a CSM handy or know off-hand the easiest way to do this?


Cliff "Waddya mean a plastic gear indicator won't hold up the steering 
column?" Simpson

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