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I'm also interested in this info.  I need to buy a good cover that is
lockable, won't scratch/harm my paint, and that I can leave outside
occasionally (like when I go to Chevellabration).   My car will be
garaged pretty much all of the time, and will rarely site out, but I
want to be ready to properly cover it if I do leave it out.

Michael Ishee wrote:

> I had earlier asked about car covers and a few people told me they
> just bought Wolf covers from NPD.I looked in their magazine and I saw
> nothing that mentioned a cover by the name of Wolf but did see a lot
> of other covers that looked to be a very good investment.For reference
> I am looking on page 10 and 11 in the catalogue.I would appreciate
> anyone’s advise that has had any experience with these covers or tell
> me where I can find a Wolf cover.
> Thanks
> Michael
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  Team Chevelle membership #178 (Gold)
  Time Flies: "It's funny how you can watch a clock and time seems to
  stand still.  But turn away, and you have to measure time with a
  calendar rather than a clock."  mjp

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