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Well, that's the first time I've ever heard anybody say anything good about
Bumper Boyz. OTOH I have heard at least a dozen people say that their work
is not show quality. I had a pair of Olds bumpers redone by Desert Dog, and
don't feel that they are show quality either (but his prices are lower than

A new reproduction bumper will normally cost you about $225-$250 I guess,
depending on where you get it. Maybe a little bit cheaper at a show special
price. A good bumper straighten & rechrome job will typically cost $350-$400
for a show quality job. I have always heard high praise about NorthStar
Bumper Exchange for re-chroming.

John Nasta
Old Car Network

-----Original Message-----

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 Jim, I was at the Michigan State Fair grounds for a swap meet this past
week-end and "BUMPER BOYZ" were there. Their quality looked very good. I
haven't looked at other bumpers as I'm not in the market. I get my old ones
repaired and replated. For the price of one bumper and another 50 to 75
dollars I can get both of mine done. A bumper for your '69 cost $240
exchange.(front or rear). $295 with no exchange. These are factory bumpers.
Seems a little high for me. But again, they are excelent in quality. Check
their web site......

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