At 09:13 PM 01/21/2002, you wrote:
this summer i bid on an original 7600 mile LS6 chevelle. i stopped at $55200.00.  the car went for $75000.00. i had figured if i could have got it for 55k i could have turned an easy 10-15 over night. someone else thought it was worth it. the people buying these up at those prices aren't in the same league as you or me. i was going to use my credit line to buy it. oh well just as well i dint get it. either way i wouldn't of been able to keep it. divorce court would have made me sell it .lol one time that wouldn't have been out of my range, but it would have taken everything I had.... I'm sure I'll never get involved at that level, but more power to those who can!!

Kelly C. Hanna

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