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> I have a calculation page at
> that does this
> for you. <- shameless plug

Shame - shame! LOL.  I have a simple spreadsheet with all kinds of
calculations; cubic inches, liters, rear gear/tire diameter/mph, torque to
hp, A/N fittings, carb requirements, hp required, electrical stuff...every
time I find some calculation I need I add it.  Great time saver.

> A 396 cubic inch engine running at 6,000 rpm should require 396 * 6,000
> / 2 or 1,188,000 cubic inches of air per minute.  Where a cubic foot is
> 12 * 12 * 12 or 1,728 cubic inches 1,188,000 ci/m would be 687 cubic
> feet per minute.  Compare that to your carburetor size.

Interesting.  I found a formula (probably from an old car mag) that gives
the same results.  They did say however that no internal combustion engine
will ever achieve 100% volumetric efficiency (VE) - as I'm sure we'd all
agree.  They plug in a factor of 0.85 for a maximum, realistic VE.  This
brings the 396 down to "requiring" only 585 CFM to get the job done.  I've
always wondered why a 750 or 850 or whatever always seemed to run better
though.  Probably has a lot to do with physics and, come to think of it,
don't really care that much :*)

Good topic for bench racing though.


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