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>Some nice pics & interesting stories Herb.
>It's been fun listening & looking at the different cars
>people had over the years. I wish I had pics of some of my cars but back
>then who knew?

I used to have pics of all my cars, places friends and I went, 
ex-girlfriends, etc. I kept pics of everything until I encountered hatred 
of the worst kind in one of my girlfriends. She destroyed several years of 
memories in the fireplace after getting very upset with me. I was in the 
limousine business and she couldn't understand clients running over the 
contracted time (meaning more money for us). She was batting with "half a 
cage"....I dumped her and kicked her out, but the memories are still gone. 
I did find two pics of cars in my mother's albums after her death, but many 
years are lost with no way to replace them. It took the wind out of 
photography for me until recently. Now it's all digital and there's backups 
in two places.

I envy anyone that has photos of their cars and friends from the past.....

Kelly C. Hanna
El Camino Country

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