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>Kelly, treat you car and medical damages separately.  If the car is
>totalled come back at the insurance with any newer repairs or
>reconditioning done to the car as part of a revised settlement on the car.

It won't go to total unless they are really high on the estimates. I 
haven't done much to the car since we bought it. The lowest value I've 
found for it online is only $200 less than we paid for it.

>For medical you would have what ever expenses you personally incurred.

We aren't paying anything up front for medical, they are working with the 
lawyers and the guy at fault's insurance will get all the bills.

>For pain and suffering, typical settlements are 3 times your medical bills.

If she goes into therapy and treatment, I guess it'll take them awhile to 
complete the treatment until we know what the amount is. I wonder how long 
all this will take....guess that's up to the doctor (who treated Jana 8 
years ago for a similar problem)

>If you wife works, you could also be entitled to any lost wages due to time
>lost resulting from the accident.

She owns her own business, so I don't know if they can figure for that or not.

>Hope everything works out for you and our wife!

Thanks, I think she'll be okay, we won't know about the MRI until tomorrow 
evening or Friday. As far as I go, I just want her to be well and for her 
not to lose the car to a total and a shitty payout for it....I'm doing my 
homework on it tonite....

Kelly C. Hanna
El Camino Country

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