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hi all i find myself in a quandry.i just got done installing a brand new
repo wiring harness for a66 with warning lights iwanted gauges but refused
to pay $600 for the privelage.isearced far and wide for a reasonably priced
set to no avail.the past weekend my wife wanted to go check yard sales
itried to get out of it so i could work on my one of the
sales i was poking around in the garage looking for tools when i saw a set
of gauges  for a 66 all alone on a shelf i thought it was a mirage.i spoke
with the lady of the house she told me that one of her past tenants must
have left it behind and if iwanted them the price was $10 istarted
hyperventalating asi reaced for my wallet.[if ihad been able to control
myself i.e not jumping up and down yahooing i might have scored them for
even less not that im complaining,its probably as close as ill get to
winning the lottery.any way i now need to get a new harness for gauges
so iwas wondering if any one on the list was thinking about replacing there
dash harness if so ill work areal sweet deal on my warning light harness i
just cant bear the thought of having to eat the $380  ipaid  for the harness
if anyone can help and save some $$$$ at the same time illbe soooooo happy
jason pollock 66 el camino s.c.c.c.c

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