I'm doing the same thing to a 69 chevelle. I know a little while back there was a bunch of mail about the "big block/small block" frame bracket. I did a little research on my own. First I checked the frame brackets on my 71 original LS5 car. The part numbers were 3980711 and 3980712 for the left and right big block brackets. Then I checked my factory assembly manual and it also showed the same part numbers used in 70 big block chevelles. So I happen to have those brackets to bolt to my crossmember and my problem is solved. But here is the question that maybe someone out there can answer. Looking at the factory assembly manual it shows the same part number brackets used for 350 small blocks. But a different part number frame brackets for 307 small blocks. So when it comes to 68 thru 72 chevelles there may be no such thing as separate big block / small block brackets.

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