At 09:51 AM 4/13/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Car companies think that they are doing something great when they TRY to bring back a older model. They do not understand what made these cars great. These new models are all rounded off, the shapes and lines of the original are not repeated. The frame are cheap and weak.
If there would repeat a classic by using the heavy steel frames, using the original shapes and lines and then added what they have learned on suspension, transmission and engine, then we might have something.  They should look at a classic as what could we have made better if we had known.  If you Mom said she was going to fix her old classic dish, she would not start making major changes to the recipe. She might tweak it, but not change it. So they need to make a classic and tweak it, that's all. And try to keep the engine simple, something we can work on. I have no problem with EFI, but lets not get too crazy and fill the engine compartment full or vacuum and electrical lines. I want to WORK on it.

Yep, couldn't agree more....the Impala is a good example of what not to do. I loved the four door SS's, but they didn't last long, now look at the Impala....a front driver that looks and acts nothing like ANY of it's predecessors.....

New car frames aren't made with the same heavy gauge steel like they used to just fold up on impact now...."don't hit anything dear or you'll total the car".

Kelly & Jana Hanna

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