" Some people are only alive because it's illegal to shoot them." 
 I have a t-shirt that has that saying on it! I love it!   I also have one that says "If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport!"  I love to wear that one around work!
> I'm not into Ford or Dodge Bashing, because I LOVE CARS, PERIOD.
> especially my Elky.
> I like that philosophy. Anybody that puts time, money & effort into any car to make it better or "special" to them is worthy of our appreciation, even if we don't particularly like their car or share their "vision".
With rare exceptions, I personally don't care for import cars but can still appreciate that some people put a lot of work into theirs to make it special. I've owned Mopars, chevys & Fords in my lifetime. All were special in their own way.

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