I took the 71 Chevelle to three car shows this weekend and learned lot about shows. The first show was a AACA event in New Smyrna Beach, FL. This was not a class show, but what everyone calls a Fun Show. Their was judging by the participates,and the city mayor for a total of six awards. I did not win. The second show was not a judging show, but a show off event at the Volusia Mall. The third event was one in Titisville, Fl. There were 12 awards given out and again, I did not win. I can see the problem now and will have to stop trying and wishing that I could win some kind of award for my car. My car is classified as a Modified. This puts me in with all 193?-1980 cars. Some of these people have spent 10,15,000 or more fixing the car. These look to me like cars and people who may have had the car taken somewhere and done by a pro restore business. There is no why I and anyone else could compete with this. Oh Well, I had fun any way. I will just have to go for fun now. Most of the awards are going to 1930's 1940's and 1950's cars. Another problem I see is that their are too many car clubs. How does one keep up with this. There was a Goodguy show in Orlando, but I decided not to go. It was a full sunny weekend and the Orlando show has no shade nowhere. I cooked at the Titisville show as it was. If this lady next to me at the show had not shared her 45 sunblocking lotion with me, I would be a lobster right now.
 I did meet Jeff from the list and had fun looking over his car. I can not even compete with his car. It was a thing of beauty. He should be very proud. I hope over time to meet with others on the list. Just thought I would share my weekend.
Keith Cooper

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