Welcome Chad...
I'm rather new here myself. I just finally got back into the game of muscle cars after a year drought. I started building my first car when I was 14 and had it running and way moded up by the time I got my license... of course I then blew up the rear end 2 blocks from my house on the initial solo drive and ended up saving my money and waiting for winter to subside a year later to drive it. I'm 25 now and 2 years ago I quit my auto mechanic job and went back to school... so I know the problems you deal with being a student and trying to build a car. At least you don't have rent and utilities to pay too ;)
The best advice I can pass on to you is make up for your lack of money with smarts and hard work. Also go to local cruise and car shows... talk to fellow car enthusiasts no matter what their age. Respect their age and knowledge. Learn from THEIR mistakes. Read everything in terms of books you can get your hands on. Be wary of magazines as their knowledge isn't always correct in terms of power numbers and what products will perform. Last of all... offer to spend a little of your cash to get beer and burgers for your new car friends and I'm sure they would be more then happy to spend a saturday wrenching with you and teaching you some things. Don't be afraid to get dirty and have fun.
oh yea, also, im happy to hear that you got your dream chevelle!  i was wondering, is this car your daily driver?  im going to be 16 in december.  it is cool to know a teen who loves muscle cars as i do.  no one in my school likes cars, and i feel like im the only one who does. 

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