I remember when I was 17 and driving a 58 Chevy Belair doing over 100 miles an hour on the highways not realizing what would happen if someone pulled out on you or you blew a tire and anything. Back then kids like me and maybe you though the faster you can go the cooler you are. But today Iam 54 yrs old and have a very high respect for driving and my license. Laws today are not like they were back then, if you got pulled over you would get a warning, today they take your license and throw away your keys. They now have a new law in Pa if your caught without license , insurance or registration you can kiss your car good bye, whether is new or a classic its gone to the impound yard.

I remember when my daughter first got her license. She went to the store just around the corner from me and I stood there watching her drive away and waited for her to come back. Kids today dont seem to have the respect for a car ( not all kids ) they get in and drive like the wind not realizing that if for one second to take your mind off what your doing it can happen. Its a killing machine in the wrong hands and I have seen many accidents with kids involved. Its a great thing to be able to drive not having mom or dad take you anywhere again, not having to sit in the back seat of the family car. Be able to go where you want at anytime, but gotta keep in mind of whats happening around you and the other guy. Today like I said iam 54 I drive a Mercury Tracer station wagon carefully but when my 66 Chevelle Malibu finally hits the road you can rest assure I will be watching the other guy. Drive Safely All


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