They know when you are mad at them. They also call out for special attention sometimes. My advise is to love her more and she will come around.
Keith C. Cooper
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 7:02 AM
Subject: [Chevelle-List] Does anyone elses car want to die?

Ok now that I have your attention.  Answer me, is it just me or does my car just want to die?  I fought the thing to get it back togather Monday went to fire it up hit the brake pedal and the dang thing went to the floor. Line broke.   This isn't the first time I have lost brakes in this car, 3 times while driving and now twice sitting.  But not just that when it got wrecked nothing wants to work right, stupid thing now has a bug that it just loves to blow the ignition fuse left and right, never did that before..... not to mention when you do hit the key sometimes it starts and sometimes absolutly nothing!!!!! I think there is a loose wire to the solinoid..... I hope, I hate wiring.  I think she is trying to tell me she wants the frame off, I 'm just too stubborn to listen I WANT TO DRIVE BEFORE THE STUPID SUMMER IS OUT!!!!!!  Anyway had to vent, its been in me for a little bit.



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