Went up to this web site today...... http://www.chevrolet.com/features_home/f_buffs/index.html ...... NO chevelle link.  Well it's there, but under "other Classics"  I feel we "Chevelle Owners and Clubs" should have a link along side the Camaro's and Vette's.  It's time Chevrolet wakes up and recognizes they did produce more than two models of cars.

They asked for feedback on their website, here's what i sent them.....

I would like to see a Chevelle link along with the Camaro and Vette links.... rather than having it listed on the "other Classics".  At any given show on any given day there are more Chevelles on the show field than the Camaros and Vettes combined!!  Please give this some serious consideration.  Thank you.  Donald Gates, President, Maryland Chevelle Club

Maybe a few more emails from presidents of clubs, as well as members of these clubs may let them know there are thousands of Chevelle's out there and get us a "real" link on the home page.

Who's with me???


Donnie Gates
Maryland Chevelle Club

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