I'll tack on Herbs mesg also. I dought you have a bad connection . but my have a meter the is not calabrated and showing low or for thatmater high voltage. find the connection and use your other volt meter . you'll be able to verify the  creditability of you installed volt meter.
 And yes if yo plug in down stream i.e like a light gauge wire 20 ga, that has a number of thing it's feeding.
You can  experience LOW VOLTAGE as compared to the source voltage.
use you voltage meter on the assy and unfused pins on you inside firewall. varifiy the fast idle voltage.
also If your battery reads 14.8 v with al yor assy on. go for it.  Iwpuld also read the output voltage on the alt as it should fluctuate as the load changes. BUT NOT GO UNDER 13.8 v DC
----- Original Message -----
From: vmckague
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-List] low volts part 3

Wayne, If I understand what your saying is,tell me if I'm wrong, the volt meter where it is hooked up is reading the correct voltage for the circuit it is wired in too. So some where in that circuit I don't have a good connection. Correct? If I have 14.8 volts at the battery at all times it should be okay to drive the car and use the accessories. Right? Thanks for your time . Vernon
----- Original Message -----
From: Wayne
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-List] low volts part 3

You do not have it hooked up backwards or it would not deflect the needle at all. as for hooked up wrong.
A volt meter will read voltage from where it's inserted/sorced to goround, where as a  Amp meter is inline from source to the storage  Battery.
I would see where the + voltage source is taped from. There are a nuber ofgood source voltage inside the car. The fused assy, is one, the 14ga black-orange is another---- Original Message -----
From: vmckague
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 2:53 PM
Subject: [Chevelle-List] low volts part 3

Well I put a volt meter on the battery with the motor running at a fast idle and had 14.8 volts. With  the blower fan, head lights and wipers on I still had over 14 volts. Is this OK. The volt meter in the car started at 12 volts at high idle and as more acc. were added it went down. to around 11 volts. I guess my volt meter in the car is not reading correctly or could it be hooked up the wrong way? I had a friend hook this up for me so I don't really know what it is hooked up to. Is it possible to have it hooked  up backward? Thanks, Vernon s

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