The shop where I used to work had a sign saying:


Labor rate: $50/hr

If you supply your own parts: $60/hr

If you talk: $75/hr

If you help: $100/hr


(or something very much like that).


John Nasta




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Capt Crunch
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-List] front end info needed,


I agree with Dave and Dale 100% and this is what I do everyday. Speaking from a mechanics point of view Dave hit the nail on the head... your creditability is always at stake and at least in my shop I like to do the job once... and do it right. Sleeves are usually pretty cheap... IMO might as well just get them. Chances are yours are old and crusty and probably the main reason the mechanic wants you to buy them is to save him time. Some places will charge you extra if they have to fight with rusty fastners or have to bust out the torch to heat em off and them clean and lube them up good... if that is the case well then you will probably pay the same or more.


Another thing to consider... my shop give no warranty on jobs done with owner's parts. Part of the part price is given to the shop and the mechanic usually. It alot of times is used to cover the price of the little stuff that adds up... like shop rag fees, brake cleaner, grease... none of this stuff is free. So again look out cause some places may changre you an additional fee... overall ask what the shop's policy is on owner's parts. Most shops get parts cheaper then their cost to the public by the way and the mark up by some shops if sometime very close to what you will pay at a local store. The extra few dollars in my opinion is worth not having to worry about all the leg work and what if a part is wrong? Quick funny story... I was doing some parking brake work on a Porchse 944 for one of our cheap customers (who is also a real jerk). He decided to buy his own parts where ever... well they looked right and all and I began doing the work... an hour into it I found all the parts were wrong and no parts could be gotten for over a week. The customer wanted his car back so I put it all back together and charged him an hour an a half labor (boy am I nice) for my two hours of work and sent him on his way only to charge him for the entire job two weeks later when he got the right parts. So basically... if our shop got the wrong parts it would be on our heads and he wouldn't of had to pay the extra hour an a half at least. But since he got his own parts... well obviously he lost money... ok enough of my mechanic preach :P


Also as one of the guys said we charge a higher labor rate to compensate the technicians for the money they loose.


Moog is great stuff... most of Moog's products are far better them OEM. These are the only parts I will order. Check online... you can probably get them cheaper online. If you have the tools and/or at least some mechanical ability I would give it a shot doing yourself and just pay to have the alignment done after. Well that is my dollar and a half worth...




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