Det vore himla kul!
Jag är uppe hos min mor i norrland just nu & fixar
en del akuta saker med kärran (bromsar & fjädring)
Jag åker tillbaka till sth (jag bor där) i slutet av nästa
Har jag bilen (kanske i alla fall) skall jag åka dit.
Vi kan ju höras av mailledes när det börjar brännas?
(For you English speaking guys)
That would be nice!
I'm at my mothers place right now to fix some acute stuff
like brakes & suspension.
I'll go back to Stockholm at the end of next week!
If I get the car in order I'll go there (maybe anyway?)
Best regards Pelle
Just on the border of your waking mind
There lies... Another time
Where darkness & light are one
And as you tread the halls of sanity
You feel so glad to be
Unable to go beyond
I have a message
From another time...

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