Title: Blower motor switch/relay question

In my 70 Chevelle Malibu, my fan speed switch has been acting temperamental lately. With the fan on, I have had to wiggle the fan speed switch and get it in the exact right position to make the fan work and it only works on high. I just leave it on high and it has been working. This morning it was working and when I went to lunch and came back, I couldnt get the fan to blow again. When I wiggle it to try and get it to work, I hear a clicking under the dash from somewhere. The blower relay is in the engine compartment. What is under the dash that could be making the noise? The car has factory AC. When I checked the blower motor when this started happening, I ran a temp. hot wire to the motor and it was working fine. Im thinking it probably is just the fan speed switch. Any opinions?

Brian Zack

'70 Chevelle Malibu


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