I recently converted my car from manual brakes to power.  They work, but I
don't get the kind of assist I would like, so I got the vacuum gauge out and
took some measurements.  I barely get 10 inches of mercury at idle (the spec
I think is something like 17).  My engine is a 327 out of a 1967 Corvette.
A previous owner added a Edelbrock performer series intake and 650 cfm carb.
Judging from the idle, I doubt very much that the car has any kind of
radical cam in it.

Using my vacuum gauge, I systematically went around the carb and the intake
individually pulling hoses and blocking that port, looking for leaks.  I
still get about 10 inches (unsteady).  I then tried the trick of spraying
carb cleaner around the base of the carb, and the runners on the intake
looking for a change in operation.  I didn't see any.

A friend told me to check the idle screws.  When I tried that, I found that
I could slow the idle speed if they were near closed, but once opened up a
bit I get the same basic idle speed (and vacuum) over a very wide range of
adjustment.  I was actually afraid the screw would come out.

This has morphed from being a brake issue to being a "is my engine OK"
issue.  What has me a bit confused is that the stinking thing runs pretty
well.  I seem to have lots of power, and the idle is reasonably smooth.
It'll idle in the driveway all day and not stall.

Does anybody have any ideas.  I want to paint this car, and want all the
mechanical issues taken care of before then.  If I need to pull the heads,
now is the time.


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