Ah, the joy of speed at a race track.......what more could you ask for. That 
reminds me of a track event I was part of 20 years ago. The local Corvette 
club I belonged to was advertizing for an upcomming show. We were able to talk 
the local race track into letting us do some pace laps just before the big race. 
The track even let us park inside the gate in a roped off area right behind 
the start/finish line. 

We were to do 5 laps at a slow pace. But they didn't place a pacecar out 
there with us. So here we go all 25 of us in a double row. Lap 1 was at about 20 
mph......by lap three we were really moving. By lap 4 I knew what "diving into 
the corner" meant. As we dove into turn 1 I glanced down at my speedo and saw 
about 90 mph. Then the track threw the yellow lights on and made us stop. One 
of the other guys said he hit 120 on straight. Needless to say we all had big 
grins on our faces all nite !!!

The following weekend we went to a second racetrack, but they had heard what 
we did and they were VERY stern with us about speed. They had a pacecar and 
every track car and tow truck was on the track to keep us in line. We never got 
over 20 mph.  :(  Damn, no fun

The need for speed continues........

Bill C
70 LS6
2002 LS1 vette

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