Zieg wrote:

>  Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us
>  to 
>  think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50- $1.75, we need
>  to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the 
>  marketplace....not sellers.

I dont know what the oil companies are up to -- probably nothing
good -- but $1.75 may actually be cheap. Somebody wrote a couple
years ago:

> I think that gasoline was around  .32 per gallon in 1965 
> (hi-test). Today right now hi-test is around $1.60 and that's only in the last few 
> months

The Inflation Calculator says that, in general, what cost .32 in
1965 would cost $1.79 in 2002. Assuming the writer's memory about
the 32 cents in 1965 (before the big oil crisis, wasn't it?) is
correct, gas at $1.79 today wdnt be out of line.

The writer also recalled:

> Originally, a 1965 mustang was around $2500 for a v-8 model.
> You could buy a new  1962 dodge 426 wedge with a 4-speed fpr $2200.

How much is a new Mustang today?

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