I was like that when I was a 7 or 8 yr. old boy. My
uncles purchased two(2) 63 Impala SS's. I was in love
and hooked from that moment on. I hope you will follow
your passion. There are thousands of people working at
jobs that make them money but are not where the
"passion" is. Agree?  Best Regards

Mike Fry  
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I originally had mentioned that my brothers 1990
> Caprice Classsic had a hole 
> in its frame. Just thought Id let you know wuts
> going on. My parents decided 
> to get rid of it. Instead they bought a van. The
> worst part is that it is 
> purple. I guess your wonderin how old I am. I am 15
> years old and love classic 
> cars. My favorite is the '70 Chevelle SS 454 LS6. My
> brother is 17. He also loves 
> classic cars. I really wish we could keep the
> caprice. Id love to be able to 
> drive up to school in style. Instead I'll get
> laughed at cuz im driving a 
> PURPLE VAN. EEEEWWWWWWW. My parents didnt even look
> into how much it would cost to 
> repair the Caprice. Instead they payed $5000 for a
> '98 Plymoth Voyager. Im 
> sure it would have cost less than $1000 to repair
> the frame, strengthen some weak 
> spots, and rust proof it so it wont rust any more
> than it already has. Then 
> we would still have $4000 to repair any other
> problems in the next few years.

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