"Some people will believe anything just because it is >>written in a newspaper.
It's a shame so many Americans are unwilling to think >>for themselves. We
will all be in a sorry state if Kerry is elected. Would >>you like for your
son to marry another man? He would not only be able >>to, but would also be
encouraged to by the laws the Dems will push for. >>Nuff said"

that has to be the stupidist thing i've read in this forum! both sides are against same sex marriages dumbass. kerry's side is just for letting them have equal benefits when they have been in a long standing relationship. i for one dont like either one but when it comes down to it i wont let bush send more of my friends over to iraq and die for his bullshit. iraq was no more a threat to us then mexico is now. the only weapon they had that could carry a decent warhead was a scud that could only travel 500 miles at most. kerry will not get rid of our old cars, and he will not ban guns like all the rednecked nra members would like to try and make you believe. now this is not the place to be posting politics but when you spew shit like that i have to respond.

65 SS Chevelle #'s
79 SS El Camino customized

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