Then, there's gas prices -- about $2.50 a gallon for regular in San Francisco. Bush has been in power for four years now, and we're supposed to be taking over Iraq, so why are gas prices climbing so fast?

Ok, this is pretty dispassionate--1. California's (and other non-conforming areas) speciality fuels are always going to cost more-blame the EPA and the Clean Air Act and your local government. The most expensive gas here (central Arkansas) is $2.16 for 93 octane & you can find 87 octane for as little as $1.73. 2. Nigeria-I don't think any American had anything to do with the mess there. 3. Hurricanes & tropical storms-3 of them in the Gulf. Disrupted the output of the rigs, and the pipelines will need repairs. Any supply interruptions are going to drive the price up, and when you have 3 or 4 at once, the markets really skyrocket. When (and if) the supply lines begin to fill up again we will see a drop in prices. Check your history, this has been happening for years.

I hope this was OK with ya'll.


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