Are you people about ready to get rid of this jerk off (mark fellman) or must I unsub?

mark fellman wrote:

You don't know me from Adam, so for you to call me a fool is pretty
rude.   When you are done puking, maybe you could point out the "lies".
Since you have made the claim that I didn't check the facts, why don't
you prove them wrong if you are so certain, then you can prove I am the
Bush's fault's pale in comparison?  First of all, I find it offensive
that you think the unnecessary deaths of over 1000 Americans in Iraq
pales in comparison to anything that you can point towards Kerry.

I don't have to prove anything,  with your particular bent, anything I
point out to you, you will spin your own way, but for those that are
interested in looking further into it, take a look at:

What does where I live have to do with anything? I don't make any
assumptions about you because of where you are from.

Oh, California is spelled with a "C" and this bastion of liberalism has
a Republican governor.  How did that happen?

And lastly, if you want to make any more personal attacks, why don't
you take them off list? Otherwise, I'm sure everyone would love to hear
some constructive points.

On Oct 25, 2004, at 12:46 AM, Clint Hooper wrote:

> Mark,most of the below allegations are bald-faced lies and you damn
> well
> know it. So,let's see what kind of credibility you have. Please post a
> link
> proving each allegation. I could do so but I'm not the fool that
> posted the
> below list w/o checking the facts so the ball's in your court,dude.
> People like you make me want to puke. Bush's faults absolutely pale in
> comparison to Kerry's. Let me guess,,you must live in the liberal
> paradise
> of the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia.
> Clint Hooper
> H&H Custom,owner
> A.C.E.S. #1650
> 1969 El Camino Protourer
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "mark fellman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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