Hey Scott,

You forgot DHL!


> I know this ain't Chevelle related, but this money could buy a very cool 
> Chevelle (
> nice tie back, huh)
> This is really off the charts. It would make an interesting reality show.  
> All on a
> word of a construction site supervisor.
> The current winning bidder has spent a TOTAL of $78.46 for the last 6 
> purchases
> including $24 for tupperware.  And he's sitting on $360k.  Guess you can 
> really save
> money buying tupperware on line.  I sure as hell hope he wants to buy a 
> Chevelle.
> For $360K, I'll even wash and deliver it.   With a tank og gas.   And since my
> company sells U.S. flags, I'll throw in a few.  There has got to be a twist 
> to this
> or I am really missing something.
> And according to that other web site, if this is from a chrime scene, why 
> hasn't the
> FBI, CIA, DEA, FTC, CBS, UPS, CNN, FOB, COD or any other group with cool 
> initials
> swooped in on this yet.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Dale
>   To: 'The Chevelle Mailing List'
>   Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 9:21 PM
>   Subject: RE: [Chevelle-list] 911 flag on eBay
>   Unbelievable the past 12 hours!  As Scott noted, look at all the bidders 
> and some
> of the things they've bought/sold.  Everything from A/C adapters for $0.04 
> (yep, 4
> cents) to 15 year old T-shirts worn once.  These bidders have over $300,000 at
> their disposal?  Simply UNBELIEVABLE!
>   Dale McIntosh
>   67 El Camino
>   1967 Chevelle Facts CD in progress
>   ACES #1709/TC Gold #92
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 8:43 PM
>   To: Chevelle-list@chevelles.net
>   Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] 911 flag on eBay
>   I see the bidding is up to $313,862.   Guess they can affort is.   Here is 
> another
> link.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3962513751&fromMakeTrack=true
>   Kelly
>   64 El Camino
>   In a message dated 3/10/2005 2:13:16 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>     This listing (396251375 1) has been removed by eBay or is no longer 
> available.
> Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly.
>     If the item was removed by eBay, please consider this transaction 
> canceled. If
> anybody contacts you to complete the sale, please ignore the request. 
> Completing
> the sale outside of eBay may be unsafe and will not be covered by eBay 
> purchase
> protection programs.
>     On 3/10/2005 3:31:42 PM, chevelle-list@chevelles.net wrote:
>     > Are you sure? I show it still going#8230;$54k. Couldn#8217;t be cached
>     > data as I used another browser.
>     >
>     > Dale McIntosh
>     > 67 El Camino
>     > 1967 Chevelle Facts CD in progress
>     > ACES #1709/TC Gold #92

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