Well, I guess there are two that claim to be the 'first' prototype.  An old
Year One catalog has an article on what they claim is the first prototype
but there's no vinyl top.  Year One also claims, "This car has been fully
documented by Chevrolet as the original 'Tech Car' prototype, and as the
first car built has many unusual features (even more unusual than most
Z-16s)."  At the time of the article it was owned by Floyd Garrett.

Stranger yet is Terry Gunter (sp?) had (advertised) Z-16 #2 at Nashville in
2003 (http://www.chevellestuff.com/65velle/gallery/prototype_z16.jpg)
complete with the Baltimore body tag - the prototypes were built at
Baltimore and production models at KC.

Hmmm... A claim of 201 Z-16s including 1 convertible never found. Makes one
wonder if 201 was the total 'production' run or did it include any of the 3
claimed prototypes?

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] Z16

Bill L. sent us this link the other day.  The write up the Z16 said it was
the first of two prototypes.  Do  a "car search" putting in "Chevelle" and
you will come right to it.



Yes and from what I read it is Uno Numero. They don't get any better  than
that. Send me some pictures of the new ride when it arrives.
                                                        Larry  (Z)

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