We'll be waiting to hear that everything went well and you are back behind the wheel. I think I speak for many when I say I often think about not wanting anything to take me away from behind the wheel so I know how you feel. The good part is modern medicine is better than it's ever been and you will probably be back before even your doctor expects it because YOU have that drive and will and a goal for after the procedure. Marlon.

Brian Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi guys, over the last couple of years since I have been a part of this
list, I have learned more from you than I can put into words. Every day it
seems I learn something new or at least get to have a good laugh, especially
from some of the ebay listings that are pointed out here. I consider you all
family and really appreciate the advice and help I have recieved.
Now for the request part. Tomorrow (Friday) I have to have a heart
catheterization (angioplasty) done and my family and I would greatly
appreciate it if any of you would remember us in your thoughts and prayers.
Chevelle content: If anything were to go wrong, I would not be able to
drive the Chevelle any more.

Thanks to all of you, Brian

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