
Go with a large single door, 18' if you can - the extra width is nice.  My
garage is 26 X 35 and I put in 1 - 10' and 1- 18' insulated ma.  One large
single door is far more practical for everyday pulling in / out and allows
you to pull a vehicle into the center easily when needing extra room all
around it.  2 or 3 smaller doors looks more balanced, but not very

A few of suggestions:  If you are planning to heat this space is to put a
ceiling in and insulate it.  Paint everything white.  Put plenty of outlets
around.  Concrete floor is better over black top for cleaning up oil / fuel
spills and will last for ever.


                      Rick Schaefer                                             
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              To:       
                      Sent by:                        cc:                       
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Fax to:                          
                      evelles.net                     Subject:  [Chevelle-list] 
                      08/08/2005 09:15 PM                                       
                      Please respond to The                                     
                      Chevelle Mailing List                                     

   I am in final planning for my new garage.   Gonna be a  24x36x10
D-I-Y pole barn.    I'm buying attic/storage trusses for the front &
rear 12 feet.  Then scissor trusses for the middle 12,  give me enough
overhead room for a lift IF I can ever swing it.

   I'm stuck on what to do for garage doors.   2 9x8's or 1 16x8???
(BTW - gonna have a 9x8 back door too).   I'm thinking that 16x8 will
be easier for entry & exit and PROBABLY more practical.   Any thoughts
on that?      Thanx.

Rick Schaefer
72 TPI ElCamino
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/detail?.dir=8a4b&.dnm=c562.jpg

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