There is a strong movement afoot to have cars and trucks lumped together in the CAFE standards. That will swing the pendulum back towards cars becoming a larger part of our lives. I doubt we will see light trucks and SUV's comprise over 60% of new vehicle sales in the future.
Clint Hooper
H&H Custom,owner
1969 El Camino ProTourer
2001 H-D FLHR custom bagger
----- Original Message -----

I agree, our nation has not been conservative when it comes to our petroleum resources, perhaps even flaunted or wasted them in the past and present.  On the other hand there have been a lot of innovations over the years that would have provided much better gas mileage, or even taken the place of some of the gas usage only to have the companies bought out by the large petroleum companies and put out of business.  I have experienced this with what used to be two different customers I had prior to their being bought out and closed down.  I remember because I had to take back a lot of product back from them and had to pay back the commissions.

The petroleum companies are going to do everything they can to slow the introduction of anything that will reduce the gas usage in this country and their profits.  Big money wants even more money and we can do very little about it by ourselves.


Chuck Speake

70 Chevelle Malibu

Glen Ellyn, IL


-----Original Message-----
From: Gene's General Restoration Parts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 3:27 PM
To: The Chevelle Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] new Dodge Charger


Anybody else out there seen the Honda (gasp!!) natural gas powered car that you can fill up at home? Cheaper power and save time not going to the gas station, not to mention it will be easier on the waist if you're like me and have to have a snickers bar with every fill up too!


That's the kind of car GM needs to make or get the fuel cell cars to market sooner. That will be the only good thing about the increased gas cost.


 I think we brought these cost on ourselves as a nation by not being more conservitive, such as SUV's being used as commuter cars.




----- Original Message -----

From: Ron Malespin

Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 2:34 PM

Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] new Dodge Charger


Yep put the money in the chevelle!  It cost me $45 bucks to fill my 67 Malibu yesterday, but it gets pretty good gas mileage.

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 1:21 PM

Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] new Dodge Charger


well i have seriously been thinking insead of buying a new car selling my jetta and putting the money in my 72 ss conv.i pulled the big block for now and replaced w/small block for financal reasons it is the most dependable car i have ever owned and with a quadrajet the gas milage isnt too bad ,i can work on it without a computer and its more fun than a new vette and not to mention the smiles it gits on the road

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