I'm sure you'll get lots of responses, but you really need to use a standard 'dino' oil for the engine to properly break-in. The synthetic is too slippery to allow the rings to seat properly. Once you get it broken in, then you can run the synthetic.
Another issue with synthetic, don't use it in an older engine that you aren't sure about... due to the viscosity of the synthetic, it will find it's way around old seals and such and cause you more problems than you need.
Shawn Price
Network Team Lead
Technology Solutions
Morrison Homes
On Oct 27, 2005, at 1:32 PM, Larry Shouse wrote:

I'd like to hear your thoughts on breaking in your freshly rebuilt engine using synthetic oil...
Also, if you use synthetic oil in your daily driver or Chevelle, what brand and viscosity do you use?

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