hey Mike
no need to apologize
thank you!
----- Original Message ----- From: "mike f" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Chevelle Mailing List" <Chevelle-list@chevelles.net>
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] Anyone home? {public apology}

I wrote a scathing email to the person or persons that
went "political" in this last couple of threads. Well
I was not happy for many reasons. Suffice to say, we
all don't have the same recollections and some of us
who invest heavily get very frustrated by J6P's
version if events. When the list went with the thread
and kept it going, I was the one who should have just
deleted the messages and shut up. Please accept my
apology, who ever you are, out there. mike

--- gail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  craig, i dont think anyone could have said it any
----- Original Message ----- From: Dan McIntosh To: Craig Ellis ; The Chevelle Mailing List Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 5:04 PM
    Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] Anyone home?

    Teaching tolerance isnt a bad thing IMO, whether
it be gay tolerance or race tolerance or anything

    As long as were on the subject of firearms, I'll
be taking my CCW class in the beginning of December.

    Dan McIntosh
    1960 Impala Sport Coupe
    Street Metal Fabrications
----- Original Message ----- From: Craig Ellis To: The Chevelle Mailing List Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:28 PM
      Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] Anyone home?

      Aint it the truth, Clint. Reagan once
announced in a speech that "inflation is tax". The
media people didn't understand it so they never
attacked him for it. Lucky for Reagan, most media
people can't figure out whether they should lease
their new Chevy or buy it. For that matter, neither
can anyone else because they don't teach the concept
in school...they're too busy teaching gay tolerance
and Ebonics.

      Just for the record, my idea of "gun control"
is putting the second round through the same hole as
the first.

----- Original Message ----- From: Clint Hooper To: chevelle-list@chevelles.net Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 3:43 PM
        Subject: Fw: [Chevelle-list] Anyone home?

        Yep,Ronald Reagan said it best. "Government
takes from the needy and gives to the greedy."
        Clint Hooper
        H&H Custom,owner
        1969 El Camino ProTourer
        2001 H-D FLHR custom bagger
----- Original Message ----- From: Craig Ellis

        Again, I hate to interject here but the Fed
raises rates to check inflation because BUSINESS
wants them to, not because government wants them to.
99.9999% of the people in the world do not know that
inflation is TAX. It is not discussed by politicians
and media because a) it is over the head of most
media people and b) it is over the head of nearly
all attorneys and our politicians are all attorneys.

        Inflation is the systematic devaluation of a
currency. When you see the "national debt" number,
what is not discussed is to whom that debt is owed.
The fact is, the debt is owed almost entirely to
American citizens (and their pension plans, IRAs and
401ks) in the form of US Treasury bills and notes
and bonds (among which is the ubiquitous Savings
Bond). Inflation benefits "net debtors", that is,
people or countries or companies who owe more money
in debt than is owed to them by others. The
government is the biggest "net debtor" by a gigantic
margin. Thus, inflation HELPS the government because
it allows them to pay YOU back with dollars that
have been "devalued"...that is, they are worth less
than the dollars you loaned them when you bought the
bond, T-bill, T-note, etc.

        All you Vietnam era vets and citizens might
remember that at the end of the Vietnam War the
national debt was staggering. In fact, the US could
not pay it off so the government, then under Richard
Nixon, devalued the currency 25% in one day. And
this was on top of inflation rates that ranged from
12% to 20% over the preceeding three or four years.
Folks, this is "inflation" gone mad. Some of you
might also remember stories about the inflation rate
in Brazil being 100% per month and things like that.
That, too, is just the government in power
"devaluing" the currency. It happens all over the
world, all the time.

        If you really want to see true change in
this country, demand that your schools teach people
two things: The "time value of money" (also called
"discounted cash flow" and how to figure it out) and
the difference between "progressive" and
"regressive" tax systems. If ordinary people
understood these two things, every politician in
office would be thrown out on his or her fat behind
- Repulicans and Democrats alike. In fact, I'll go
farther than that - if people understood the concept
of regressive taxes alone every politician in office
would be arrested and charged with sedition. The old
saying "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer"
exists not because rich people screw poor people but
because the government screws poor people. They do
this because they can - you see, the rich people
"get it". They understand how the tax system works
and how to circumvent the system. Poor people don't
have the knowledge so they get screwed. It isn't a
big conspiracy, it is your elected representatives
creating a tax system that enables them to tax the
people with the smallest voice - and that is you and

        Finally, permit me to say that, I can teach
ANYONE who graduated from high school these two
ideas and the fact that our high schools do NOT
teach these things is, IMHO, nearly criminal. I was
taught these ideas in the first accounting class I
took to become a CPA. Every CPA understands this
stuff which is why all CPAs hate taxes. But that
doesn't mean only CPAs "get it". This stuff is
pretty easy when it is taught properly.
----- Original Message ----- From: Matthew Post To: The Chevelle Mailing List ; The Chevelle Mailing List Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:47
          Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] Anyone home?

          I'm going to have to respectfully
disagree.  Like I said, if the media tells people an
economic indicator came in "worse than expected"
it's perceived as bad.  Even if an indicator may be
trending downward, it still can be very strong.  GDP
has been clipping along at above 3% for several
quarters in a row & unemployment is low at 5%.  If
the economics of the US are so bad, why would the
FED continue to raise interest rates?  Fact is the
economy is doing well, so they are raising interest
rates to prevent inflation.  Believe it or not, the
post-Katrina effect is going to be positive for the
economy.  Construction, building materials, etc.  Of
course, all this building is being fueled by
government spending.  The negative effect of Katrina
will be inflation which the FED hopes to prevent and
higher deficits.  The deficit is being funded by
foreign investment at a pace of $100 Billion a
Month.  So, the US is screwed when other countries
won't fund our spending.

          At 04:54 PM 11/22/2005, Clint Hooper

            Germany's reunification with Combloc
East Germany is the main reason for their
struggles,at the moment. It's certainly not us
kicking their butts. As for France,who the heck
cares? <G>
            I'm an optimist but the US economy isn't
doing that well,Matt. Most of the economic
indicators are trending downward. However,disasters
like Katrina sure haven't done us any favors. Even
though I support what we're doing in Iraq and
Afghanistan,the cost is hurting us,bigtime.
            Clint Hooper
            H&H Custom,owner
            1969 El Camino ProTourer
            2001 H-D FLHR custom bagger

----- Original Message ----- From: Matthew Post

              What people fail to see and what the
media fails to report is how well our economy is
actually doing. Europe and Asia cannot keep up. With the exception of China, who has to revert to
unfair trade practices to succeed,  we are doing
better than anywhere else.  Japan has been in a
decade long depression (wonder it that's why they
don't buy American products), Germany has been in a
recession, unemployment is over 10% in
France..........We've become a country of pessimists
=== message truncated ===

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