Truer words were never spoken....Ya got to respect each other....Yea I was in Nam for a bit my own self..Your first sounds like the time I got back home after saying good bye to her,she and her mom had all my cards maxed out and tons of other bills...took me over 5 yrs to pay off...worst thing was my HUGE record collection,with tons of out of print now albums,was sent to me in a huge box...she melted them all into a huge ball...that was cold......

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wayne Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:41 AM
Subject: RE: [Chevelle-list] New member, questions

Gosh,  Are you sure Y'all first wives was not my first wife sisters !

Got married B-4 I went across the big pond 1966.( thank you Uncle sam ) Spent the next 14 years in a battle over mostly my Cars.. Only time she liked them is when I sold one or got a pay day from doing work ( i was rebuilding corvettes and doing repair/upgrade work besides my regular job) IN a last ditch effort to save our relationship.. I sold my 37 chevy Coupe,56 Chevy Nomad,56 Chevy HT and 67 Corvette. Well. 13 months later I came home to an empty home. No $$$ in the bank and 10 months of unpaid bill and maxed out credit card's plue lowest of lows, the Bitch even hall-ed off my duel Snap on roller cabinet and all my tools [EMAIL PROTECTED]( another 4 years of payment to the Snap on Man and nooooo tools)

My 2nd Love 24 years and going strong. understands nothing about cars. or Electronics ( my other hobby) but then again I understand nothing about Art. Or Sting chamber Music But we support each others interest no mater how varied they my be. She go's to like the NE Chevelle Weekend and Reads But I then go and sit through renditions of Bach, Hayden or Mortzart... Example lasts nights Rose bowl.. She has 0 interest in football but sat with me through the whole game with out one negative word .. But the other side of that coin..over the weekend a move was on TCM from the 40's. Some B&W big musical dance thing... she knew all the actors the composer the set designer..I sat an enjoyed it with her.

So speaking like Dr.Phill IMO you need a person who respects your interest and YOU must respect hers no mater how painful or weird you think they are...

ACES 1556
TC 186

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