Title: Chevelle will absolutely not idle - help

Put two cans of “dry gas” or one can of “stp” gas treatment. In the fuel tank and fill the tank. Replace fuel filter in the carb and any inline filters you might have. To test the timing – bring the #1 cylinder up. If you have a crank bolt put a socket on it and turn the engine until your timing marks line up. Then remove your dist cap and see if the rotor is pointing to the number #1 wire. If all that checks, out- get a can of “fast Start” spray ether. With the engine running spray ether below the carb onto the manifold and the base of the carb, any vacuum hoses you have. If the engine sucks in the ether it will rev and that shows you have a vacuum leak. Then move slowly around the engine spraying ether to isolate the problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Thomas Ringlein
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 8:45 PM
To: 'The Chevelle Mailing List'
Subject: [Chevelle-list] Chevelle will absolutely not idle - help


Okay – I got the car out of the garage today for its first long jaunt to the nearest gas station, and I learned a few things.  First, some background…

I joined the Air Force in 1997, and shortly afterwards, the Chevelle was parked at my Dad’s place and driven on the rare occasion I had enough leave and money to get back to central California and enough time and patience to get the car out and drive it.  However, upon retaking possession of the car about 4 months ago, it had not so much as been started in no less then 7 years.  Ouch.

Okay,  so now I am back in Fresno, California, and planning on a tear down as soon as I find out if I got promoted or not (sometime in late Dec or Jan), but I want the car running so I can take it to local shops for advice on body work, etc..  I replaced the spark plugs, changed the oil and filter, made sure there was air in the ancient tires, charged the battery (new battery), topped off the tranny fluid, and started it up.  Car starts just fine – but it will absolutely not idle.  I took the carb apart and replaced all the gaskets since I had a leak or two.  While I was in there, I replaced the power valve and checked the jets to make sure they were not clogged with anything.  The carb was remarkably clean for a carb that was parked wet 8 years ago – it nearly looked like new.  I adjusted the floats by turning the float bowl upside down and adjusting until level with the top/bottom of the bowl.  I had my landlord take a look at my work because in his past life he was an auto mechanic for about 15 years.  He gave the “thumbs up” on the carb work, and I buttoned it up.

I took the car out to top off with some 91 octane “high test” gas, and it ran okay – but would not idle or run particularly well at anything under about 1300 RPM.  I have to lightly pump the gas pedal to keep it running below 1300 RPM, and it will run okay from about 1300 until 1600 – where the engine finally kicks in.  From about 800 to 1200, the car runs “rough” where it feels like the car wants to quit, but I am keeping it going with pumping the gas.  The temp raised slowly until about 180* where it leveled off.  Oil pressure held at about 60 pounds.  The distributor (Mallory COMP 9000) is tight, so presumably it is where it was left 8 years ago when the car ran fine (I don’t have a timing light – disappeared).  The car did not start on fire (this time).  I have been banging my head against the wall for a few weeks, so I ask the help of all you smart folks to help me figure it out.  For some reason, I am thinking it may be the fuel pump (90% of presumed carb problems originate at the pump, right?).

Some more details:

72 Chevelle, 350/TH350 combo

Holley Vac Sec 600 CFM carb (Model 1860, I believe)

I have not replaced the fuel filters yet – perhaps tomorrow

I have one plug wire (#5 cylinder) that may or may not be bad.  The 90* boot burned through many years ago, and I rigged it with spare parts to make it into a straight wire to get around the header (Hooker comp series, full length – circa 1990).  It still has a very small spot where there is no rubber on the wire where it attaches to the plug, but it always worked just fine before.  I know – I was in high school and spent all my money dating girls and rigged the car to keep it running.  Dumb kid.

What do you think?  Is anyone still reading?


Clovis, California

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