No need to run off.

I finished my Chevelle in 2002 and have continued to stay on the list. Most of the time I lurk in the shadows but once in a while I chime in if I feel there is something I can shed a little light on.

If you restored a Chevelle you have a lot of knowledge to share. You never know when someone will ask a question that you know the answer to.

Bill Vander Werf

----- Original Message ----- From: "Denny Shewmake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 5:32 PM
Subject: [Chevelle-list] Moving On

Hi all;

I am unsubscribing from the list. Declaring the Malibu complete after seven years of sweat, pain and toil in the restoration process. Had her since 1989. It's under wraps in the basement/boat garage.

Starting on a new project - restoring and upgrading a 1975 FMC Motor Coach. It is in outstanding shape and is a diesel pusher. Has been sitting about 10 years and needs odds and ends and a ton of TLC. They only made a little over 1000 of these between 1973-1976 then quit because of the gas crisis and they got the gov contract to build the Bradley Fighting Machine. Needed the factory space. Highly sought after, excellent users group/forum. Eventually will be touring the USA and camping with family and my grandson.

Might see ya on the road, will be honking at the Chevelle's. Will take the Malibu out for a spin a couple times a year and continue to drool over the vell's in Chevelle World.

Thanks for all of the help and suggestions over the years.

ACES #04790
1971 Malibu 350
Canton, GA

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